"I've got you"

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Summary: Harry and Louis visit the fair. Louis gets separated in the crowd.

"Boobear! Let's go."

As soon as those words were out of my mouth, Louis came running down stairs with his shoes in hands.

"Boo, how many times have I told you not to run the stairs! You can get seriously hurt."

Louis cowered in front of me, slumping his shoulders, and looked up at me with his innocent puppy face." I'm sorry daddy. Won't do it again, promise."

I relaxed my stance, my face instantly softening, and brought him into my arms." It's okay baby, I just get worried. Now, let me put your shoes on and we can go."

I bent down in front of him and started slipping his shoes on his tiny feet, while he gripped my hair for balance.

"All done," I crooned, standing back up, and gently taking his hand in mine.

He giggled, making my heart melt into a puddle at the angelic sound, as he tried to drag me towards the car.


I pulled up outside the fare, and locked the doors before Louis could excitedly rush out the car.

" Now, boo, you know the rules, right?"

"Yes Hazza, have to hold your hand the entire time, not wander around, and tell if I need anything at all."

"Good boy, baby. Let's go have some fun."

Louis beamed at me as I unlocked the car, but waited patiently until I came to his side to help him out of the car.

We walked into the fair hand in hand, with Louis bouncing along and me fondly gazing at his childish antics.

Louis' pov...

Hazza and I were having loads of fun, going on ride and eating lots of candies. Currently, we were on our way to watch one of those magic shows.

We were surrounded by herds of people, and I was clutching at Harry's hand like it was a lifeline. Suddenly, I felt someone yank me behind and I lost my grip on Harry's hand.

We were ripped apart, and by the time I gained back my senses, Harry was nowhere to be seen.

I could feel the panic bubbling inside as people pushed past me to go the tent that housed the magic show. Fear clouding my judgement, I went in the opposite direction to find a clear spot.

Tears were already dripping down my face as sat on the hard bench in the food court.

'Daddy will find me, I know he will.' I tried to reasure myself, as I sat on the bench crying my heart out.

I heard somebody clearing their throat and immediately looked up, only to find a strange man with raven hair instead of my Hazza.

"Hi, sweetheart. My name is Zayn. Do you need any help? Who are you here with?"

"I-I'm here with m-my b-boyfriend. We g-got separated." I stuttered out, a little apprehensive of the stranger. 'Daddy said not to talk to strangers.'

"Oh honey, have you tried calling him?"

"Don't have my p-phone."

" Here, you can use my phone, just type in his number.

He handed me his iphone and I shakily typed in Hazza's number, quickly dialing him and help the phone up to my ear, while I chewed on my bottom lip.

" Hello? I'm sorry I don't ha-"


"Boo! Baby, are you okay? Where are you?" His panicky voice floated into my ear.

"Hazza, 'M at the food court, please hurry!"

"I'm coming, baby. Gonna be right there, okay? Love you." He soothed.

"Love you too." I mumbled.

I hung up the phone and handed it back to the stranger, who accepted it with a small smile.

"Do you want me to wait for your boyfriend to get here?" He asked politely.

"Yes, please."

We sat side by side, silently, until I saw my Harry's muscular figure rushing towards the entrance of the food court.

I immediately got up and started running towards him. When he saw my figure approaching he quickly opened his arms, which I took no time in jumping into.

I secured my arms around his shoulders, and legs around his waist and sobbed into his neck," Daddy!"

"Shh, I'm here baby. I'm here. Daddy's so sorry. I love so much baby. I've got you." He whispered into my hair, trying to calm me down.

We walked back to the car like that, me clinging onto him like a koala and him securing his arms around my waist, both not willing to let each other go.

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