Alpha Harry - part two

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It had been a few months since Harry saved Louis from that brute alpha and they hadn't had the chance to meet again. Currently, Harry was contacting Louis' mother to set up a surprise for Louis.

"Good afternoon, Mrs. Tomlinson. This is Harry, Louis' friend."

"Ah yes, the famous Harry Styles. Please, call me Jane." Harry blushed when he heard that Louis had talked about him to his mother." To what do I owe this pleasure?"

" Well, I wanted to surprise Louis, and I thought you could help me plan it?"

"Of course darling, just tell me your plan."


It was now a few days later, and Harry was getting ready to go to the train station. Louis had been really bummed out when Harry told him that he actually lived in Cheshire, and was in Doncaster for a little while, visiting some friends.

Harry boarded the train, and was awake the whole time as he was too nervous to fall asleep. It was currently 4:30am and Harry would arrive in Doncaster by about 6:55, just in time to wake Louis up for school.

The ride from the train station to Louis' home was not too long, and in no time he was standing in front of his front door, heart hammering in his chest.

The door was opened by a carbon copy of Louis, just in female form.

Harry quickly introduced himself and was ushered inside the house with a tight hug from Jane.

"His room is upstairs, second door to the left." His mom said excitedly. Jane had a feeling that Harry and Louis were mates, and was very happy that Louis had found such a polite and respectful alpha.

Harry quickly thanked Jane and quietly went up the stairs, slipping into Louis' room without a sound. His heart burst into an unknown emotion and his wolf was howling and growling happily, edging Harry on to go and cuddle up his boy in his arms.

Louis looked ethereal, snuggled into his white comforter and curled into a ball in the middle of his queen sized bed. His hair was disheveled and spread out on his pillow, and he was gently sucking on one of his thumbs.

Harry ignored his wolf and sat down on the edge of Louis' bed, gently caressing his fringe out of his face.

"Boo, honey, wake up. You gotta go to school." Louis stirred a bit but settled down again, placing his head on Harry's lap. Harry couldn't help but coo at the precious boy.

"Babe, wake up. Come on, you're gonna be late."

Louis mumbled a small,'5 more minutes mom' and nuzzled a bit more on Harry's lap.

" Loubear, come on, wake up." Louis groaned out and sat up, instantly freezing up.

Louis rubbed his eyes a few times and when a dimpled Harry didn't disappear from his vision, he burst into tears, making grabby hands towards him.

Harry quickly brought Louis into his lap, wrapping his arms tightly around his," Baby, it's okay. Shhh, I'm here, don't cry," Harry cooed into Louis' hair, who was nuzzling into Harry's neck and inhaling his heavenly scent.

Louis made a noise of protest and tightened his hold on Harry's shoulder when he tried to move a bit.

" Honey, wanna see your beautiful face. Come on don't hide from me," Harry gently spoke into Louis' ear.

Louis slowly moved away from Harry's neck, exposing his tear stained face.

"Awww, babe." Harry crooned, and wiped away Louis' tears, pressing kisses on his forehead and cheeks." Someone's happy to see me." Harry teased, eliciting cute giggles from Louis.

" Shut up, these are sad tears." Louis said with a cute pout on his face, that Harry wanted nothing more than to kiss away. He settled for swiping his thumb over Louis' bottom lip, making a rosy blush erupt in his face.

"Mhm, sure they are. C'mon, you need to get ready for school."

Louis groaned loudly and stuffed his face in Harry's neck again," I don't wanna."

"Baby, you can't skip. And it's Friday, last day. We'll be able to spend lots of time together the whole weekend." Harry said gently, rocking Louis back and forth.

"Ugh fine but I wanna cuddle for a little more now."

"Okay, darling, as you wish."


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