Even her hair wasnt in its normal neat bun but left loosely down, a slight mess from the breeze and her new Class S unifrom seemed crimpled like she kept gripping it to clam herself.

She should not be acting this way, not when she was in her dream class.

"She clearly upset, Just act cool and try to calm her. Don't be a lance but try and be a gentlemen like Shiro .. don't be a dick" Keith thought to himself as he walked over, keeping a slow and steady pace to not spoke her from just rushing over. 

"Hey .. You look sad" Keith muttered with a straight face as he stood before her, his head looking down at her.

"Smooth Kogane, Lance would be laughing his ass off at your people skills. Urg, why can't you just punch someone to cheer them up anymore" Keith thought to himself in self pity and grimace on his words to her.

"Its been a rough twenty four hours" Acxa replied as she lowered her head while Keith sat down beside her, on the opposite side of her legs so he won't seem like a pervert by sitting by her skirt. 

"How come, I thought you loved Class S" Keith asked, leaning back slightly and making his hands hold his body weight.

"I did, they seem great but I didn't know the price of having so much power. I-Its so wrong and I don't want it .. they m-made me .. Oh god I can't forget the look on his face. I don't want to go back anymore .. I hate it" Acxa started to cry as she buried her face into her hands just sobbing.

"Oh great she crying .. do I pat her like a dog or can google tell me wise words right now, nope goggle is blocked on the island .. fuck" Keith thought to himself before slowly rising his hand and patting her back smoothly.

"Hey its ok, calm down. Tell me what happened and if your really unhappy then don't go back just return to class B and be happy. Its your life, don't live one with full of regrets or self hate, its not worth the life you were given" Keith spoke with a clam voice, his eyes glancing around as he felt others watching. 

"You really think I can just leave" Acxa asked shocked lifting her head and glancing to him.

"Yeah I'm sure you can, come on lets go find Mr Shirogane and swap you back to our class. You don't ever have to feel this way again, I promise" Keith muttered with a weak fake smile as she just looked to him with wide eyes.

"But after what I did .. how can I just live on .. I'm a monster" Acxa cried out confusing Keith since he didn't think she did anything as bad as to be thought of as a monster.

"I've seen a monster with a human mask and you are not one of them .. Your just you" Keith answered watching her eyes fill with surprise and a slight blush fill her cheeks by his words.

"Thank you Keith, do you think you can stay with me for today even with Sir. I don't feel safe alone right now" Acxa asked weakly as she grabbed one of his hand with both of her own. 

"Sure, lets go to the staff room now" Keith sighed and stood up, helping her to stand as well before turning his head as figures in dark purple and white, Japanese cat masks.

"Oh no .. they must know I'm planning to leave" Acxa muttered in fear as Keith stepped in front of her to protect her from any harm.

"Didn't you know it was creepy to watch a girl from a distance, I'm guessing your mother never taught you true mangers but don't worry I won't school you .. I'll just kick your ass" Keith smirked slightly as he raised his fists.

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