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Laurence POV

After working for hours writing I decide that I had gotten a good amount done and finish up for the day. I was ridiculously tired after writing all day and decided to turn in for the night. Soon after settling in bed I hear Kier come in and strip down to his boxers, his usual sleeping attire, and flopping down next to me. Eventually he was cuddled into me, dozing off. I started to feel sleep take me as well.

Kier POV

Pretty much all day I just hung around and sat with the Timids and Luke through a marathon of a bunch of Batman movies we've seen countless times while Beveridge worked on his book in our room. He came out every once in a while but only to grab a snack or drink then returning to his place on our bed. I decided not to bother him since I knew he had to work on the writing, especially that he turned me down to work.

I planned to get him after he was done but I couldn't bring myself to it. Laurence seemed tired and I was quite tired too, despite doing nearly nothing all day. I just stripped down to my boxers and got in bed, eventually finding my way cuddled into Laurence.

Laurence POV

I woke up in the middle of the night from an awful nightmare. Or, at least I think it was awful, I can't recall it now that I'm awake.

"Laur are you okay?" I hear Kier say sleepily. I must've waken him up.

"Yeah, just had a bad dream that's all" I rub my eyes and turn to him, laying next to me with his eyes half open.

"Oh. What was it about?"

"I honestly don't remember" I chuckle "sorry for waking you"

"It's alright love" Kier smiles and gives me a light, sleepy kiss.

"I love you so much, Kier" I say pulling him a little closer to me.

"I love you even more, Laurence" Kier says, cuddling into me more.

"I don't think it's possible to love someone more than I love you"

"It must be because I do" he giggles looking up at me. He buries his face into my neck and his hair tickles my cheek. I give him a small kiss on his head before laying my head on his and both of us drifting off to sleep again.

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