Realizations and Confessions

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Kier POV

I woke up the with a huge hangover, I don't remember what had gone on last night, aside from the fact that it was my idea to drink. I was in bed, I don't remember going to bed. I sit up and pull off the blanket on top of me. Why the fuck was I naked? Where did these bruise marks come from? Oh shit. I think I remember. I look over to Laurence who is still asleep. Just as I had expected, large red marks down his back.

Laurence POV

I rolled over onto my back once I was awake. I felt stings down my back and on my ass. I flinch at the pain and look over to see a naked Kier standing next to the bed, eyes wider than I have ever seen in my life. Shit. His chest and neck were absolutely covered with dark marks. I wondered what had happened for a moment then realized he wasn't the only one bare. I started back at him with the same wide eyes in realization of what happened. I fucked Kier, and from the evidence on my back, I really fucked him hard.

Kier POV

"Oh shit" Laurence finally said after a few moments of us staring at each other, in shock and realization.

"I-I'm so sorry.." I stuttered out, "I really fucked up your back"

"Yeah, my ass too" he replied, he didn't seem angry at all. "I think I might've gone deep in more than one hole" he looked back down away from me, I swear I could see a slight smirk on his face.

"Well we must've really enjoyed ourselves" I said waving my hand around the marks Laurence left on my body and pointing to the ones I left on his.

"Yeah I guess we did" he laughed a little before getting serious. "Kier?"

"Yes?" I replied slightly worried by his change of tone.

"I think I have something to tell you"

"What is it?" Oh god please don't let it be that he never wants to see me again.

"I think I love you, Kier"

My mouth dropped open, I'm surprised my jaw didn't break off. He loves me? But how? He's perfect so why would he go for me?

Laurence POV

I knew I shouldn't have said that. Kier is going to hate me forever now. I can feel tears start to sting at my eyes. He's been silent for a few moments but it seems like it's been hours. Finally he breaks our silence.

"I-" he starts, tearing up as well, "I love you too" he jumps on top of me and brings me to an embrace. We both burst out into tears, but not a single shed of them was from sadness.

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