I Need To Think

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Drew POV

I'm not sure how long it had been before Shane and I pulled away from each other. When we did the first thing I noticed was Laurence and Kier across from us, how long had they been there? I noticed the tea mugs in front of Barrone and I and grabbed them, handing one to my boyfriend and keeping one for myself.

"Thank you whoever made the tea" I said sipping from my mug.

"You're welcome" replied Laurence. I looked up at him and he had his face covered by his mug. I then looked over at Kier who had his legs lying across Laurence's knees, doing the same with his mug. What's up with them?

Kier POV

I could feel eyes watching me as I sat there but I did not want to look to see who it was so I didn't risk exposing my face that has finally started to fade to a lighter pink. After finishing my tea I got up and brought the cup into the kitchen then went back into Laurence and I's room. I got dressed and sat back down with my head in my hands, I needed to think.

Laurence POV

Kier had gotten up a while ago and headed into our room, most likely to get dressed and such but he has been gone for longer than he would usually be. I started to worry and got up and started towards our room.

Kier POV

Do I like Laurence? And could it be something to go as far as love? If I do truly like him I could never tell him if it meant putting what we have at risk. I don't think I should tell him, we have always slept in the same bed also, if I told him he wouldn't want to do that anymore. He would probably want to get separate beds, being uncomfortable about my attraction towards him. But who could blame him?

"Hey Kier, are you in there?" Laurence's voice suddenly calls from outside the door, making me jump a little.

"Yeah I'm in here" I reply after a few seconds.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes I'm fine"

"You don't sound it, I'm coming in" Laurence comes in and sits down next to me, putting his hand on my leg as to comfort me which just made my face burst into a bright red. I pull away from him and lay face down on a pillow to hide how flushed I was.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Laurence asks me, I can hear the worry in his voice.

"I'm fine" I sigh and roll back over to look at the ceiling.

"Alright Kier," Laurence says getting up "But know if you ever need to talk about anything bothering you, we're all here for you. Even Luke if he isn't sleeping" he chuckles a little at his last sentence then walks out. That laugh of his drives me mad, it's adorable.

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