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(Don't ask me what I'm doing idk)

"Get her back" The High Lord of the Spring Court echoed off the walls of the hall, his tone was cold, a large hand clenched onto the hilt of the sword sheathed around his waist, blonde strands swam across his face, a few plastered to the sweat upon his brow. Rage swirled within his green eyes as he stared back at the king. The ruler of Hybern's crown sat lazily upon his dark hair, amusement gleamed within his orbs. He tapped a small melodic tune on the arm of the throne, dabbling between the plains of bored and uncaring.

" I care not for the girl, Lord -" The icy tone split through the room the king straightened on his throne, Shaera stood but centimetres from him leaning against the throne, picking at the dirt that now found itself harboured under her nails 

"-But in light of this blossoming alliance, you shall get your kidnapped bride retrieved in due time" Shaera knew the gameplay, knew the approach he was taking against the lord, a verbal onslaught chipping away gradually at patience and restraint. Tamlin's eyes flared he took a step closer to the king whose face remained calm and neutral to the powerful being in front approaching him.

"Don't patronise me" The lord growled through gritted teeth his shoulders now tense,  fingers twitched daring him to pull his sword. The Waves crashed on the stone coast beyond the barred windows the sound lulling Shae's mind as she continued to stare at the crazed lord, inky pools remaining cold and uninterested. She shifted her hand upon the king's shoulder. Her composure remained intact. Eyes scanning the room for threats beyond the ruler of the spring court.  The king leant back slightly into Shaera's touch, after all, he trusted her. He never dared to trust his own blood, but Shae he could trust.

Shaera stood deathly still beside the Throne, to Tamlin she was nothing more than a whore beside the ruler, her tunic and pants replaced with a pooling grey gown slits ran up her full thighs as the fabric flowed up the middle of her torso leaving the curve of her waist exposed to the cold northern breeze. Gems gleamed across her breast. Wild curls were now pulled into an intricate braid, small diamonds gleamed within the strands of hair. That was the game plan you see, Shaera the most valuable asset in the entirety of the army, crafted in the elegance as nothing more than a high-end whore.  Yet now Shaera thought about it, that's exactly what she was, especially if she removed her formidable title. Cracks danced upon pillars crumbling with age, the stone floor clear and cleaned, a few blood stains remained along more secluded parts of the hall. A reminder of the bloodshed the kingdom of Hybern causes, she causes. Repressing the attacks of the past she refocused her gaze on the Lord.

"I would never patronise you, as a lord of a court within Prythian you're quite valuable to me if I must admit-" The king's tone remained indifferent, bored before his gaze flickered to Shae, eyes dancing up and down her rather exposed body, his commander simply looked at him with indifference. Yet a brewing curiosity swirled in the very depths of her irises. He's planned something, he wouldn't have made her dress like this if it was simply to come across as meek, play the role of the defenceless woman, fading into the shadows, if anything he would have asked her to occupy her time with preparations of soldiers and strategies of war. Realisation made its way onto the Commander of Hybern's face 

"-I'll even offer you a gift" a grin made its way onto his face, his gaze flickering between the two individuals present in the room.

"I'm not a whore" Shaera whispered through gritted teeth her anger flared as she fought to keep the violent talons from tearing into the ruler's mind, ripping him apart from the inside out, yet she couldn't. He made sure he had control over that too, like a dial of such, raised during battles, turned down during courtly affairs. The king stood as he circled his arm around Shaera's waist his mouth centimetres away from her ear, warm breath caressing her neck and ear.

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