Aliyah Jefferson - Chapter 1

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I was not having a good day, at all. I had forgotten to do my damn homework the night before and woke up with my fucking head on the papers I promised myself I'd finish.

Even worse, my alarm clock had gone off thirty minutes ago, I'd missed my bus. And now, my dumb ass would have to either skip school, walk, or somehow sneak a ride with someone who was also late to school. Momma was down with the Custodes, why the arguably biggest group in the Northeast needed my mom to do "secretarial duties." At 6:00 AM was beyond me. I quickly showered and brushed my teeth, before looking at myself in the mirror.

I checked myself out in the mirror, thinking I looked pretty damn good! My dark skin was clearer than last week, I had a pretty bad breakout, but with a bit of higher strength acne soap, it seemed to have cleared up, at the expense of chapped lips of course. I drew my curly hair back into a bun, patting the curly hair down to not look a mess. I didn't really have time to look that cute, so I threw on my uncle's old leather jacket and a white shirt with a snow globe on it I got from New York last year, before going to check my phone to text people, I made an annoying realization... "Shit, everyone's at school. Let me text Sarah, do I have to text her though?" I visibly grimaced, I must've looked like the Grinch. Sarah Yelle and I weren't cool, not really to be honest. If it weren't for Mr. J's superhero club we probably wouldn't like talk to each other at all, but that didn't stop me from texting her, getting an immediate response.

"See you in five, try not to get to school late next time."

"Thx Sarah!! UR a lifesaver."
"Ok." Her short response made me cringe a bit.
I sat in front of her house with a bag on my back, waiting for Sarah's car to arrive, and as it did I threw a small wave to her, the expensive car pulling up to her house, the comfortable leather seats making my eyes droop in sleepiness for a bit. As I got into the front seat, I tried to break the icy silence.

"Thank you so much, Sarah, I definitely owe ya one. Are you doing anything after Superhero club?"
"Don't call it that."

"Please, we're completely private Sarah."

"You don't know that, better to be safe than sorry Aliyah. I was thinking we could all grab dinner as a group."
"Sarah hosting a social event?" I mocked shock, giggling a little bit. "We aren't the cheerleading squad, ya sure you wanna host it for our superhero club?"

"Do not call it that, and yes, we should all grab dinner. Might as well get to know eachother better, it is March after all. The four of us, we've been doing the club since the beginning of the year and I don't even know what your favorite color is."

"Erhm, right.. Should I tell Roberto and Hale? Those two'll be inseparable in History Club, so we could just tell 'em there, right?"
I always wondered about those two, they were like plain clothing and mormons, can't have one without the other, I thought, giggling to myself. The bigger blonde boy, Hale, was the stereotypical superhero in my eyes, square jaw, 6'1, muscular, which made his relationship to the 5'7, curly haired brown nerd who did his homework for him funnier to me. I wouldn't ever try to get a read on them with my power of telepathy, it kept the novelty of their relationship and their interactions in history club fresh and alive. My telepathy allowed me to basically speak to people through their minds, the reading thing though? That was always a literal headache.

"...And we're here Aliyah." Sarah announced, as I was yanked back from my stream of consciousness into reality.

"We are? Thanks girl!" I delicately opened the car door, making sure I didn't ding it on anything considering this car probably cost more than my parents mortgage, and as I got out, I patted down my hair, getting ready for what felt like was going to be a long ass day.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2020 ⏰

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