Chapter Twenty Three

Start from the beginning

The background chatter started again before he spoke up. "Okay, I'll tell him that. Focus on your exam, alright? I'll talk to him and good luck." 

"Yeah, thanks." I muttered into the phone before the line went dead. Resting my forehead against the cold glass, I let out a relieved sigh.

"Who's Marco?" Tay questioned from the distance. 

I pushed against the window to stand up straight again before turning around to face Tay. "Friend." 

He furrowed his eyebrows, looking confused. "Your friend?" 

I nodded and focused my attention back on my phone again to call grandma. "I'll be with you in a minute." I said to Tay before pressing the phone against my ear again. 


The exam was surprisingly easy and for once Tay wasn't freaking out thinking about the result. He and I both decided to get something to eat before heading back and since it was already close to eight, I knew he'd be sleeping over tonight as well. 

I was in the parking lot, sitting behind the wheel of my car while Tay had gone to get the food. I fumbled with my phone for a few minutes before deciding to call Nicolas. I hadn't received any call from either Marco or Nicolas since the morning and I wasn't sure if it was okay for me to make the call. 

My mind had conjured up two reasons for it. One of them said Nicolas was probably too busy with pack stuff and hadn't gotten the chance to call while the other said he was probably too pissed and didn't want to talk to me. And the more I hesitated to make the call, the more my thoughts were aligning with the latter scenario.

A few deep breaths later, I finally had the courage to make the call. But instead of pressing it against my ear like a normal human being, I switched on the speaker and placed the phone on the car's dashboard. As if the distance with the device was going to make me feel any less anxious. 

The phone rang for a few times - almost way too many times than it normally did and just as I was about to pick up the phone to cut the call, it was answered. 

"Nicolas?" I asked, hesitantly when I heard no voice from the other side even after a few seconds. 

"You okay?" I asked again after hearing heavy breathing in response. 

"I was just about to call you." Nicolas breathed after a long exhale. 

"Yeah?" I probably looked weird grinning so wide while staring at my phone. 

"Yeah. So, how was your exam?" He said, whispering again. 

I chuckled and rested my chin over the car steering. "It was good but why are you whispering?" 

The line went silent and I thought the call had gotten disconnected. Just as I was about to check, he spoke again. 

"It feels weird." He muttered quietly.

"What?" My smile faltered. 

"Hearing your voice but not being able to see you." His words were still barely a whisper and I couldn't help but let out a laugh. 

"I can video call you, that'll solve the problem." I switched on the front camera and leaned the phone against the windscreen, after making sure I was visible. 

"Better?" I asked with a smile while I watched him fumbling with the phone after turning the camera on. 

Once he stopped moving his phone around, I could finally see his silhouette under the moonlight. The light wasn't enough to see his face or to make out his expression, yet it was enough to make me feel warm and fuzzy inside. 

I moved closer to the phone and got my face under the light getting through the windscreen from the outside. 

"I'm sorry for making you worry." I apologised. 

"I should be the one saying sorry. I might have bothered your grandma too much." He said softly. 

"She told me how you kept sending Marco over to ask if she received any call from me." I couldn't help but smile. 

"Sorry about that." Without even needing to look at his expressions, his sincere voice was more than enough to bare his guilt. 

"She said it was adorable." I revealed with a grin. "And she said she would've been pretty disappointed if you hadn't done that." 

When he didn't reply, I continued to reassure him. "She's quite impressed too." 

"She's too kind." He responded after a few seconds. 

I readjusted my chin over the steering wheel before nodding. "That she is." 

"So, how was your day?" I asked after a few seconds of silence. 

"I ran with the pups all day, some of them even tried hunting... Tobias was asking about you all day." He answered, leaning his head against the tree behind him. He moved his head upward before looking at me again. "I missed you." 

My throat closed and I pressed my forehead against the steering wheel to hide my probably red face. 

"I missed you too." I whispered against my hands. 

Just as Nicolas was about to say something, someone knocked on the window beside me. The sudden voice shocked me and I looked up hurriedly. Tay was looking through the window and gestured toward the door lock as soon as I met his eyes. 

I leaned over to open the door for him and he passed me the bags before settling down beside me. I placed the food on the backseat, just as I faced the front again, I saw him extending his hand to pick up my phone from the dashboard. 

Fortunately, I picked up my phone before he could have and cut the call immediately. 

"Let's head back. I'm starving." I said to him after pocketing my phone and started the car, hoping he wouldn't question my actions. 


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