(I can't make it Jimin. I am sorry.) 

(What do you mean by not being able to make it?!
Young lady! You better get down here before I come
and get you!)

(I have to study and I have other important stuff to do)

(What other important stuff?)

(I will think about that stuff later.)

(Ok I am coming.)

Pffft like he will come here to get me. I suddenly start to hear the footsteps of someone running down the hall. There should be no footsteps since everyone left for the camping trip already. Wait a damn minute.

Just as I was putting two and two together Jimin barged into my dorm room.

"You are coming with me!" He said with his hands on his waist. 

"But I don't wanna go!" I said whining.

"No buts pack your bags and we're leaving!" Jimin argued. "No." I argue back. 

"I have no other choice but to drag you there." Jimin said shaking his head. "But I don't wanna go..." I said pouting.

"Tough luck" He picked up my bag which I packed since I was unsure if I wanted to go or not, I mean last-minute decisions exist. He grabbed my arm and started to drag me outside of my dorm.

"I don't want to go!" I said while trying to get back to my dorm but it was too late, He literally dragged me to the bus. Everyone already saw us and if I leave now it would just be weird.

I looked at the people waiting to get onto the bus and low and behold there stood Jungkook. He was giving Jimin death glares. He has been like this since the ice cream incident.

"Hey, are you gonna get on the bus, or do I have to do that for you too?"Jimin said to me who was standing there thinking about my life choices.

"Jimin I don't want to go..." I whispered to him with pleading eyes, trying not to cause any more drama because everyone was watching us from the time we came here.

"Okay then..." I took a sigh of relief. "It's gonna have to be the hard way." I am disappointed but not surprised.

"Okay fine! I am coming." I jumped on the bus. I guess we were the last ones to hop on the bus because only the end seats were free... and there was a Jungkook there too yay! Great for me. And he was smiling like he won the lottery or something.

"Move already I am tired from pulling you." Jimin whined as I was stood in the middle of the bus. "Whatever." I said and rolled my eyes. 

Once everyone was seated the bus took off. I was sandwiched between Jungkook and Jimin which is great, the best I would say. Jimin fell asleep as soon as the bus started I guess he really was tired.

"Why are you avoiding me?" Jungkook said being straightforward. "I am not avoiding you..." I said almost in a whisper.

"Right you are not. You don't even come to the cafeteria anymore." Jungkook said with his arms crossed. 

"I don't get that hungry these days." I said slowly.

"Anyway I wanted to say sorry for the ice cream thing, I don't know why I created a scene." He said while rubbing the back of his neck. "It's okay." I said.

"Can we actually be friends rather than being in this awkward relationship?" He said with a soft voice.  Well, he has a point, we are neither friends nor enemies. It is just an awkward relationship. "I don't mind." I said since I don't have anything against him. We can be friends.

[Narrator's Pov]

Since miss Yuna did not sleep the night before, she was tired and fell asleep on the bus. Little did she know that sleeping on a bus is a nightmare for your neck. Jungkook was caught off guard when he noticed Yuna's head banging on the seat like there is no tomorrow. Jungkook smiled looking at Yuna and thought how she looked adorable struggling to keep her head still.

Jungkook put his hand at the side of her head where she was leaning to give it support making sure that she was comfortable. Now Yuna's head wasn't shaking like maracas and she was sleeping peacefully. 

Part one of Jungkooks 'great plan' is done, get Yuna to become friends. He decided to take things one step at a time which may be the best way for them... or is it?


Author's note: What has Jungkook planned? Will his plan work? Thank you for reading this part. Have you seen the BTS x Bo(d)yfriend add? Long hair Jungkook is coming back and this is not a drill. Okay thank you for coming to my ted talk and I'll see you'll in the next part! Oh and if you want to give any ideas you can comment but I have already planned out all of this story but still you can give your ideas! I may include them. Thank you once again!


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