Ch.1 Steal a Glimpse

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Thank you to @najiyakavungal for the much needed family tree lol :P 

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Thank you to @najiyakavungal for the much needed family tree lol :P 

Chapter 1

8 years ago

Maya's blue eyes watched her mother over the rim of her book as she huddled in her chair pretending to read. Gemma was unaware of the devious plan cooking in her daughter's mind as she checked her inventory and made a list of what to reorder.

Other than the bubbling of the water in the glass beaker and the occasional clink of glass jars in Gemma's hand, no other sound could be heard in the large hall. Maya's heart raced rapidly like a wild river as she waited for the right opportunity. Her palms were sweaty and her throat dry as the desert. She gripped the old spell book in her hands tightly as her body wiggled with mischief.

"Baby," Gemma said without looking up from her clipboard. "I'm going to run down to see if we had any new delivery. Want to join me?"

"No, thank you," Maya said, a little too quickly. "I....I'm excited about this spell."

Gemma looked up with a bright smile, "You are so cute. I am so proud of how hard you've been working on your training."

"Thank you," Maya smiled. "I have a very good teacher."

"Flattery won't get you anywhere," Gemma shook her head.

"But dad says you can flatter your way through anything."

"Don't listen to your dad. He thinks he knows everything," Gemma rolled her eyes. "Okay, I'll be back in a few minutes. You'll be fine?"

"Yes, mother. I shall be safe and sound," Maya said dramatically as she sighed with her hands over her heart.

Gemma sat the clipboard down on the table in front of her. She quickly took off her white apron and set it aside before heading out the door. Maya on the other hand didn't waste a second. She jumped up from her chair and ran to her mother's desk. Her eye scanned the volume of books until she found the one she needed first.

With trembling and damp hands, Maya pulled the gray book off the shelf. She quickly turned through the old delicate pages until she found the spell she needed for the plan.

"The duplicate spell," she murmured as she read the Roopcian words. She had practiced the spell once before with Adam. It wasn't a total success, but Maya knew if she tried hard enough, she would be able to complete it.

With a brave heart and abundance of curiosity, Maya turned around and pulled out the three leather bound small books from the bottom shelf. Their gold writing shimmered in the lights as Maya set them down on the table and raised her hand. Her tongue slowly moved over the roopcian words as she held her hands over the books. The tips of her hands started to glow along with the leather books right before the air around them started to shimmer.

Maya gasped slightly as she watched an identical copy of the books appear out of thin air beside the originals. She lowered her hands and poked the duplicate.

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