XXI.where art thou?

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For the first time in months, Mari woke up without her being in Jude's comforting and masculine arms. Her falling eyelids laggardly opening, her hand traveling across the mattress, yawning, she tried searching for Jude.

"Master Jude?" Her faint voice asked yet no answer came. The distant chirping of the birds outside can be heard, sunlight trying to get into the room but was blocked by the massive gray curtains on which Jude insisted on closing.

When she failed to trace him beside her, her emerald eyes opened in wariness. Immediately, she sat up, her hair unruly, confused, her brows furrowing, eyes wandering around the room, searching for any sign of Jude but failed.

Inhaling, exhaling, she told herself to not jump to conclusions. Perhaps, he was just in the other room, or in the bathroom, or in his office despite how ridiculously early it was. How usually, he should still be asleep right now.

Before she registered what was happening, she raced towards her room next door. Again, Jude was nowhere to be found, her heart beating fast, still denying what truly is happening for she knew, she's sure Jude wouldn't do that. Never would he do that.

She checked the drawers, his clothes were gone aside from the cravats he used last night to tie her down in the bed which still all lie in the bedside table. Even his cane is out of sight and that meant totally something.

Swiftly, she grabbed the first garment she managed to lay her hands on, a white frock, shoeless, her feet cold against the wood, she raced downstairs, towards Charles's room, biting her lip in a hurry.

Without any second thought, not caring if Charles would be disturbed early in the morning, she knocked as loud as she could against the door, her hand trembling as she did so.

"Ma-master Charles!" She cried desperately, knocking as hard as her knuckles could manage, not caring one bit if it'll bleed.

Not soon later, the door flew open, and there stood Charles. His blond hair ruffled, as if his fingers brushed across it a thousand times in frustration, his cravat undone, still wearing his suit and all. He looks as if he hadn't slept.

In a well-ordered universe, Mari would inquire if Charles sleeps in his suits but that is far from her concern. Her only worry is...

"Where's Master Jude?" she implored, biting her inner cheek, her eyes desperate, her blond hair unruly, shoeless, wearing a simple white frock, she looks like an asylum escapee.

Charles doesn't seem surprised at the worried intruder, instead, his eyes were warm as if pitying the distressed young girl in front of him.

Instead of actually answering, Charles merely responded with a shake in the head, causing Mari's distress to increase.

"Wha-what do you mean?" Mari replied, her hands gripping his broad shoulders, clearly desperate.

Again, he did not verbally reply. Just staring down at her, eyes filled with pity and frustration, even had the nerve to let out a soft sigh, as if torn between things.

"I ask you, please, Charles, where did Jude go?" She insisted, tears pooling from her emerald eyes. She wanted to throw a tantrum like a child, stump her feet against the floor just so she could get what she wanted for she desires nothing but to be with Jude, her Jude.

Charles lifted his hands, held hers that was still resting on his shoulders, brought it down, just holding her wrists for now as he said, "Mari, please," his voice weak.

Mari wanted to sob, to shake him, to slap him, to kick him, anything, just to tell her where Jude is so she could go there this very instant and be with him and persuade him.

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