XIX.let's call it a night

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Ever since the visit of Dr. Moore, Jude had been wailing and groaning in his sleep, as if in deep pain, waking up all sweaty and shaking, causing Mari to wake him up in the midst of the night, comforting him as he clung to her, catching his breath.

Mari just came from the library, a few books in her hand for their reading session when she was halted by Charles who had his hands inside his pocket.

"I see you've just picked up a few books, I do hope they're romance since my brother had been a fanatic of it ever since you introduced him to it," greeted Charles, grinning, scanning the books.

Mari beamed, "He began seeing the plot patterns, as a matter of fact, Master Charles," responded Mari.

Then, Charles tipped his chin, "I want to apologize to how Dr. Moore and Mrs Elmstone acted, Mari, truly, I am ashamed,"

Biting the inside of her cheek, "Don't be, Master Charles, and don't you fret about it, I'm not one to hold grudges,"

She was rewarded with a mere smile from Charles. "and I want to formally thank you for taking care of my brother, Mari, really. You don't know how much you've changed him if only you've met him before the accident, he was one hell of a prideful man, my brother,"

"Tell me, Master, is that the only reason why they seem to loathe Master Jude? Isn't that overly shallow?" she asked, frowning.

Shrugging, he replied, "Well, he used to be very, very harsh critic in the newspaper and let's just say, criticism is his specialty and whenever he attends such gathering, never would he socialize, he would simply stand in the corner, his chin held high and well... criticize,"

"Why, if he wasn't my brother, if only I had not known what lies under his hard exterior, I would surely have a harsh opinion about him as well. That's why I greatly admire how you managed to break down his walls, you know," he added.

"Still, isn't how they acted upon him way too harsh? They are being unreasonable, if you ask me, Master. Why, if only they'll get to know Master Jude, they'll know how kind, how funny, and how brilliant he is," reasoned Mari, frowning still.

Again, Charles faintly smiled at his companion, "and I'm glad that's what you thought, my dear. Really, your opinion is what truly matters to my brother, the hell with the rest of us,"

Mari was on the verge of opening her mouth to say something when Charles raced her off, uttering, "and never mind that, ever since he came back to London with you, why, you two managed to charmed everybody and it's all because of you, for that, I thank you,"

As a reply, Mari merely blushed, biting her lower lip, she changed the subject, "I have something I've been meaning to ask you, Master Charles, that is if you don't mind,"

Arching his brow, "Bombs away, Mari,"

Tugging her blond soft hair, she answered, "Well, I've remembered what both Mrs Elmstone and Dr. Moore said, about Master Jude being the reason why Mrs Kane died,"

There was a long pause. Again, Mari bit her lower lip in embarrassment, surely, she did cross the line.

"But I assure you, Master, I know Jude's not responsible, it's just that, Master Jude's been having nightmares continuously and I'm afraid it has something to do with the accident," she mumbled, her gaze downcast.

After a second, he spoke, "I believe it'll be best if the explanation came from my brother himself but one thing I can assure you, that Jude is innocent and I trust you that you know that but please, for the love of God, convince him that he is not to blame," as he was speaking this, he held her hand as if pleading her.

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