XX.get some fresh air

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Since that scandalous night, the nightmares have halted. Perhaps, no, scratch that, definitely due to how they spent their nights exploring one another's bodies.

Both were, indeed, grateful they're the only ones on the floor because if they were not, it'll be the scandal of the century.

"We should really control ourselves, my darling, " whispered Jude in her ears before lightly kissing her collarbone, his hands on both her thighs, his body hovering over hers one morning, both still fully clothed.


"How about you practice what you preach, Master Jude," she murmured back later, opening her eyes for she had been awoken by her needy companion here for the nth time.

She heard him chuckle, "I'm serious, this isn't healthy, we barely get out of bed, you know," he added, adding kisses all over her bare neck and arm along the process, his hand lightly caressing her thighs.

"And I barely slept, and honey, your fault, not mine, I am merely responding to all these," she replied, stroking his long soft hair.

"Besides, are you suggesting we should have separate beds?" She teased, her voice pretend-confused then silently chuckled as he saw him stiffened, frowning.

"That's stupid," he responded, still frowning yet challenged. By that, eagerly, he sucked her neck, as if determined to leave a mark, then, thrust into her, against her soft thin frock, his usual morning arousal apparent despite the presence of his thick trousers.

Mari cannot help but let out a soft moan as Jude pushed against her, as he poured her with kisses along her jaw causing her to sigh and closed her eyes in pleasure, her hands traveling across his broad back.

A minute later, there was a loud knock on the door, causing Mari to open her eyes in alarm yet her companion, as usual, doesn't seem to care, instead, he continued his journey of kisses and his constant thrusts.

"Breakfast was already ready minutes ago. Are you guys already up?" Questioned Charles behind the door.

Mari chuckled at Jude's frustrated groan. Yep, Charles again. For some strange reason, it was always Charles who would come knocking when they're doing scandalous things. Well, at least he doesn't come in. Thank the Heavens for that.

"Mine's definitely up," Jude mischievously whispered in Mari's ear then lightly biting her earlobe which earned him a whimper and a laugh from her.

Jude seemed to forgot his brother's presence for he continued the whole dry-humping act and it was until both released when he said, "Be there in a minute, we'll just change,"

But no reply came from Charles. Perhaps he already left. In that case, then that's a first.

And so, that's how their typical morning starts.

Later that day, Jude together with Charles was walking along the corridor, Jude with his cane and Charles matching his brother's pace. They had just got back from Jude's office upstairs, discussing some settlements with their solicitor.

"I can't really say I'm surprised with your decision, truth be told," stated Charles, his hands inside his pockets.

Jude shrugged, "I'm glad you have the same sentiments about her,"

"Of course, though, be careful telling her this. She'll, well, you know, probably take this as an insult,"

"I know but I assure you, I don't mean harm to Mari, that's the very last thing I want," responded Jude with a determined tone.

"'Course you do, brother,"

And so, they continued their walk in silence until finally, they reached Jude's room upstairs.

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