XVI.a ball worth fighting for(?)

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Instantly, she takes the gown from the box, appreciating it more, her eyes scanning at its beauty. It comes with red gloves. The red sleeves end in elbows, and in the elbows, mesmerizing black ruffles surrounded it, when she wore it, it fits her body like a glove, her busts were lifted due to its low-necked line which caused her to flush, even though of sewing cloth to it to cover her bosom but what if all the court ladies truly wear this? And so, she just let it be besides, this is not hers to mend, Mrs. Elmstone, Jude, and Charles's aunt might get angry.

Truth be told, she finds everything about the gown daring, even the mere color of it. She rarely wears red because according to her father, a girl her age is not fit to wear one but then again, she wouldn't want to embarrass Jude with her battered frocks.

And so, by the end of the week, the ball took place. She was in her designated room and she was truly surprised when the woman who brought her the box entered the room without knocking all while she was almost naked, wearing only her chemise.

Without any greetings or whatsoever, the woman strode towards her, lifted the daring red gown from the bed, and helped her into it, tying her corset and such which Mari thanked her for but again, as expected, the woman said none.

After this, the woman told her to sit and so, the woman did her hair, not commenting about her short hair. The woman worked in utter silence. In the end, the woman only curled her hair, placing some small shiny silver barrettes in her hair, not tying it up which confused her since she may not know a lot about all the fine ladies but she does know one must always wear her hair up in balls.

When Mari told the woman about this, the woman pretended not to hear her and so, Mari gave up, forcing herself not to frown, instead, to just be thankful because who knows, this really might be what's into London ladies. And so, when the woman applied a tinge of red paint to her lips, she said despite feeling uncomfortable about it.

She almost let out a cry when the woman left, as she stared at herself in the mirror, she had to admit, she had never seen herself like this before, it was like she's not a girl from Eyam, the innocent little daughter. Instead, she was this experienced woman. Mari doesn't know what to do about that.

Mari's thoughts broke when she heard a soft knock coming from the adjacent door, smiling, she said, "Come in,"

As soon as Jude entered the room, without any second thoughts, she walked towards him, tugged his coat, caressed his beard, "You look dashing, Master Jude. Now, don't scowl, I'm telling the truth. Short hair really suits you and the sideburns,"

Jude jokingly rolled his eyes heavenwards, snaked his gloved hand around her waist, his other hand clutching his cane, "and you look beautiful, my darling, and yes, even without seeing you, I swore in my life, I know you are right now," then, he lightly kissed her in the cheek.

"But my god, Mari, I am willing to sell my soul just to see you right now," he murmured.

Mari just didn't say that she looks so unlike her right now.

When they got to the sitting room where Charles was waiting by the hearth, a smile erupted from his face as he looked at his brother. Then when his eyes shifted from Mari, he had mixed feelings about it.

Sure, she does look beautiful, sexy even right now, with those luscious red lips, curled hair, bust showings, her slender waist emphasize but knowing Mari, the sweet young girl, this is so unlike her. He could barely recognize her. No offense but she looks like a duke's mistress.

Charles mentally cursed his aunt for all gowns, she has to give the most daring to Mari but moreover, he cursed himself for being so stupid for thinking that his aunt would do any good.

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