I need a 'hiro'

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(Yuki pov)

"Of course your not alone you have me" i said "what?" she asked "your not alone you have me" i repeated. i realized after all this time im in love with (y/n) and i want her to be mine. "thank you Yuki" she said "well we better go inside, it looks like its going to rain" i said "yeah your right" she said walking inside. "You damn rat you beat me to her" kyo said gasping for air "you could have just jumped off the roof and be here with her" i said "ah shut up" kyo yelled going in the house.

(Time pass brought to you by...a cookie)

(My pov)

A week has passed and right now i was on the roof looking at the stars. I was visited by kisa allot and she told me she would bring a friend named hiro. "Hey (y/n)! hiro and i are here!" kisa yelled from down stairs "be right down!" i yelled back i jumped off the roof and landed like spider man. i ran inside and hugged kisa. Someone cleared their Throat "(y/n) this is hiro" kisa Said Gesturing to this small kid. He put out his hand for me to shake but i just gave him a hug "you know hiro, kisa talks a lot about you" i whispered in his ear. i pulled away and i saw him shocked and a tint of pink on his cheeks. "hey why is that brat here and why is his face all red" kyo yelled "im not a brat...your the cat" hiro said back "why you little-i will punch you" kyo said getting his fist ready to punch hiro "you know i can call the police and tell them you did child abuse" hiro said. a couple minutes they were arguing, saying dumb stuff. i finally got annoyed and kissed kyo on the lips to shut him up. "what was that for!?!" kyo yelled "just to shut you up thats all" i said taking hiro's hand "do you want to play in the snow hiro?" i asked "sure.. kisa ya comin" hiro asked "yeah" she said (by the way it's December). after we were all ready we went outside. hiro and kisa made a snow angles. i just sat in the snow watching snow flakes fall from the sky.

(Shigure pov)

I watched (y/n) from the door. she looked so beautiful no wonder kyo and Yuki are fighting for her. im surprised Haru gave up, he said he was younger than her. hmm i wonder. what was that virus that is said to go around in the winter. oh well i forgot :3.

(Time pass)

(My pov)

It's been a couple days sense i went out side to play in the snow with hiro and kisa. i have a flu now. great. and i remembered that i have asthma so im not in a good condition to go out. "hey (y/n) want to go outside and play, please" kisa asked. when did she get here. "cough cough, Okay" i said. i put on a Sweater and gloves and went outside. after a couple minutes of play with kisa it was getting harder to breath for me, but i put up with it to make kisa and hiro happy. "hey (y/n) look i'll make snow man for you" kisa said running off. 'cough cough' i covered my mouth and when I looked at my hand there was blood. oh no i pushed myself to the limit. I started to get dizzy but before i blacked out i shouted "shigure!!!" i yelled out from the top of my lungs. then i fall to the ground covered in snow.

(Shigure pov)

"Shigure!!!" someone yelled "was that (y/n)" Yuki asked "it sounded like her" kyo said "help help! (y/n) past out in the snow, call hatori" kisa yelled. "i'll call hatori. kyo, Yuki go get (y/n)" i said "aye aye sir" they said running off. i called hatori ( ' <- this means hatori on the other line) "hatori we have a problem" i said 'whats the problem shigure, is it Yuki' "no it's (y/n) she past out and kisa said she coughed up blood" i said 'alright i'll be right over' and with that he hung up. poor (y/n) let's just hope she doesn't die.

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