The Hot springs

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(Hey guys I hope you like this chapter. i was really busy writing a blue exorcist x reader...anyway i stopped writing that so i could finish this story hope you enjoy :) bye)

(Yuki pov)

As i woke up i heard someone Bang on my door. i walked over there and opened the door only to find kyo. "what do you want" I said "I came to beat your ass!" he shouted. when will he give up. I sighed "go wake up tohru" i said "no" he said "why" i asked "Because she's already up" he said walking away. wait is (y/n) up? "kyo what time is it" i asked. his head popped out of the side of the door "it's 2:00pm ya moron" he said "why didn't anyone wake me up!" i Shouted "Because we were all packing" he said leaving again. oh no i got to pack.

(My pov)

Alright I'm finally done packing. "hey (y/n) call hatori if the boys are ready!" shigure Shouted from downstairs, "okay!" i shouted back. i walked over to the rotisserie phone and Dialed hatori. (')(this means hatori on the other line). 'hello' "hello hatori this is (y/n), I was wondering if momiji and Haru are coming" 'Haru isn't but momiji is, i'll come drop of momiji in a couple minutes' "okay sounds good bye" 'bye'. i then hung up.
"Alright Is everyone packed its already 2:35" shigure said. "hi everyone! im here" momiji shouted. "momiji!" i said hugging him "yeah we're all packed" kyo said "alright tohru and (y/n), you guys are in charge of getting on the right bus" shigure instructed. "i don't think a person needs to be In Charge to know a bus" tohru said "yeah I Agree with tohru" i said putting an arm on her Shoulders. "well we better go or we'll miss the bus" Yuki said.

(Time skip to the hot springs)

(My pov)

As we got out of the bus we were greeted by a women... she kinda looked ill. Shr walked towards up and she Accidentally stepped on kyo's foot, so they were having an argument. I ran as fast as i could to the rooms while dragging tohru too.

(Momiji pov)

"Hey were's (y/n) and tohru" i asked "they're probably getting ready to go in the hotTubs" okami said "this is a site i don't want to miss" kyo said running in the house. (i don't know what it is so dont Judge)
"Dumb cat, doesn't know when to give up" Yuki said "What do you mean" i asked "well you see i-never mind, lets go stop that Pervert" Yuki said running The same way as kyo did. "well better get dressed for the warm water" i said skipping away.

(My pov)

"Come on tohru let's change to go Into the hot tub" i said Getting out my swimsuit from my suitcase "okay but don't You just want to be in a towel" she asked "Not really" i said "I'm going to the bathroom to change okay" i said walking to the bathroom "okay" tohru said. after i got changed into a (f/c) bikini. I wrapped a towel around me to cover myself. "(Y/n) are you ready" tohru yelled as i walked out of the bathroom "yeah Im ready" i said. as we walk we were greeted by three boys who had towels around their waists. "hey kyo, Yuki and mo-mo" i greeted "we're going in the hot tube for girls bye" tohru said. as we walked away i felt my towel get loose before i can tighten it, it fell to the floor. i quickly pick it up and look at the boys. kyo was blushing while scratching the back of his head, Yuki was bright red like a tomato. i laughed at their reaction "oh my god Yuki your face is so red" i said calming Down. "oh wait, tohru wait up" i yelled as i ran to her. after i ran i spotted a hot tube ( i literally don't know what they are so sorry) as i go in i take off my towel, tohru went in with the towel. oh well.  "Who's in the forest strolling?
The birds and the bees sing Momiji!
The frogs in the pond are calling,
Momiji, yes, it's true.
The trees raise their leaves-" momiji sang but was cut off
"What the hell was that?" Kyo said
"It's a song, I made it up!" Momiji yelled
"So why don't you make up something that isn't so annoying?" Kyo said
"Just sing it. Tohru,(y/n) you sing too!
Who's in the forest strolling?
The birds and the bees sing Momiji! Your turn!" Momiji sang
"Who's in the forest strolling?
The birds and the bees sing Momiji!" Tohru and I sang
"The frogs in the pond are calling," me and tohru sang
("Why frogs, out of curiosity?" Yuki asked
"Hey, knock it off, already!" Kyo yelled)
"Momiji, yes, its true.
The frogs in the pond are calling,
Momiji, yes, its true." Me, tohru sang
"Ahhh! This is driving me nuts!" Kyo said
"Who's in the forest strolling?
The birds and the bees sing Momiji!" Me, momiji And tohru sang
"The frogs in the pond are calling,
Momiji, yes, it's true!
The trees raise their leaves together.
Who needs the sun when we've got you?
Who's in the forest strolling?
The birds and the bees sing Momiji.
The frogs in the pond are calling,
Momiji, yes, it's true!" Me, tohru and momiji sang. Tohru started to get dizzy until she fainted. Crap

(What happens next find out in the next evil >:) jk anyway bye)

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