A smile broke out on her face and she nodded. At her pleased expression, Embry paled. He could remember the taunts and teases he had been getting for the past week about Harper and he wondered if she thought they were a thing.

Because they weren't. They were not anything besides two partners for the stupid bio project and Harper's independent suicide wolf mission. Was he leading her on?

"As a group of friends, though... right?" Embry asked, cringing at the question.

Harper's eyebrows stitched together and she quirked her head. "No as a flock, of course as a group, dummy," Harper said snarkily as she got up and swung her backpack on.

Embry couldn't help but let out that overwhelming breath of relief as he watched her walk away. "No, sorry I just-"

The girl had turned back to look at him worriedly. A complete 180 then how she had been a second ago. Concern fell on her features as she walked over to him. They were close. Too close. If someone saw them, which he was sure someone was, they would get the wrong idea. Harper raised a hand to his forehead before he could take a step back.

"You're burning up," she commented, the concern showing through her voice as her eyes stayed steady on his forehead.

She was touching him. Harper Young was touching him. He didn't know what to do. He didn't know what he was supposed to do. Why wasn't there a handbook for this kind of-

Harper looked back at him with that usual teasing and taunting gaze as her Grinch-like smile fixed itself on her face. "That's it, you're not stupid. Just delirious!" And with that, she turned on her heel and left the library.

Embry decided then and there that girls weren't confusing, Harper was.

When Embry had finally stumbled into Biology Sage was fully turned around in her seat talking to Harper about a recent 'bear' attack. Quil, who had been hanging onto her every word, looked up at his flushed friend with an amused glint in his eye.

The boy scooted his chair closer to Harper and Embry's table and leaned in close, waving Embry over to do the same. He did so with no hesitation. "A little birdy told me you and Harper-"

Like that Embry had pulled away from Quil with an upset look on his face. Quil's teasing face had turned into one of regret as soon as he caught Embry's angry features. "Dude, just stop," Embry had growled out seconds before Mr. Hunt walked into class.

When Embry and Quil finally met up with Jake in the auto shop the boy looked at the two of them with teasing features until he caught Quil's guilty gaze. The boy furrowed his eyebrows and quirked his head. His friend shook his head and pointed to Embry who had annoyance lacing every feature. Jake nodded and brightened up, rambling on about something funny Chief Swan did the other day.

About halfway through the class, Embry realized he had forgotten about telling his best friends about the party. He audibly groaned at the thought. If he did he would definitely face teasing at the fact Harper was inviting them. God, she just made everything all the more difficult.

He knew, however, if they didn't tell him Jake would be peeved. It was a Forks party and he was sure the boy would jump at any chance to try and talk to his very very depressed friend. There was a low chance she would even be there. He rolled his eyes to himself and decided to rip it off like a bandaid while they were cleaning up.

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