"No. No! No, no... No. Absolutely not!" Embry denied while shaking his head. The scene was comical enough that Quil laughed while drinking milk causing him to spill it all over his empty lunch tray. Jake and Sage turned to each other and gave twin looks of annoyance before Jake burst out into laughter. 

"Okay, whatever you say," Jake said dubiously while shaking his head.

Quil's eyes narrowed as he certainly was not done with the subject. "Didn't you have that project thing on Saturday?" He asked watching Embry as his eyes widened. "What happened with that?" Quil's lips curled into a smirk.

"N-nothing we just, uh- we just finished the project," Embry stuttered out.

Harper really should have made a deal with someone who wasn't a complete shit liar. 

"Harper's been blowing off our usual after school study sessions," Sage mused looking accusingly at Embry as if it was his fault she was bad at math. It wasn't that Harper stopped talking to Sage either, the two texted constantly and she had most of her classes with the girl, but still.

"Yeah, and you have been blowing us off after school," Jake mentioned. "Have you been going to Harper's?" Embry flushed scarlet and his face felt hot. A wide-eyed and in shock Sage sputtered out her disbelief.

Harper really should have made this deal with a better liar.

The truth was Embry had been going to Harper's after school, getting a ride from her back home. They spent most of it walking in the woods in quiet while they usually had their own headphones shoved in their ears. When Harper wasn't working the closing shift at Moonstruck's they did actually work on the project and it's presentation up in Harper's room much to the rest of the pack's chagrin. 

But he couldn't tell them that. Because he could tell them they were just working on project stuff the trio would see right through him and his garbage lies! If he told them what was really going on then he'd be breaking Harper's trust. And she would be breaking his kneecaps

"Are you and Harper like dating or are you guys like casual?" Quil asked with a smirk. Embry's face got even hotter if that was even possible.

On instinct Embry stood up so quickly he banged his knee on the table causing several eyes to shift to the flustered boy. He tripped as he tried to leave the table and sputtered out a response of, "I need to iron my sweatpants," before racing off. 

"How much do you want to be he went to the library?" Sage asked coldly staring at where he had left. 

Quil and Jake shared a glance. 

"I'm not betting anything against it," Quil had said simply, taking a bite out of a french fry.

"I'd bet my house on it."

Jacob would not have won a house.

Harper had spent the majority of her lunch period musing over the map of the Hoh rainforest she had printed out. Embry had suggested it and she couldn't help but agree that it was a good idea to mark where she had found the prints instead of just wandering out of there going by muscle memory. The girl had been going over her notebook where she had (with the help of some 21st-century technology) put the coordinates of the prints on the map. 

And now Harper was staring at it curiously. The tracks around the perimeter of where the forest went around La Push and then where the ravine was. The ravine where she had seen that scary lady. Harper would bet her lunch money, not that she had any because Emily insisted on packing her one, that the wolves went on the other side of the ravine as well.

Other than that there appeared to be no rhyme or reason as to where they went. The patterns were wild and seemed specifically made to throw somebody off. Either that or she was just paranoid.

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