Ahead of Plans

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As they had initially thought, the Twins had likely given all their information to Dumbledore, and it was very good that they had the foresight to realize that the Twins were likely being put up to the whole meeting them in the first place by Dumbledore, because if the Twins truly did give all of the information which Tom and Draco had dutifully doled out in their meeting, it would lead the old idiot to believe that there was a third party at work, not Tom and Draco, causing all of the turn against Gryffindors to happen. It would throw the suspicion off of the students, and more on other aspects. Though Dumbledore would like to believe that it was Tom, undoubtedly, he would not be able to really think that either. After all, though the other fully believed that Tom was Voldermort's son, and not Voldermort's younger self, it was this preconceived bias that the old man had against him which would instantly have him suspect Tom as Voldermort's so called son, rather than someone else. Yet, because of all of the subtle hints implying someone else calling the shots, and the fact that Tom was under intense scrutiny from everyone who was a Dumbledore sympathizer in the Hogwarts Staff, there would be no way that the old man would be able to claim that it was him and not someone else. 

As it was, they seemed to have been correct in their assumptions that the Twins had been working for Dumbledore because though they had no outright proof, it was rather coincidental that Dumbledore called a staff meeting not a few days after their first meeting with the Twins. They would be that there would likely be other meetings, and Tom and Draco had to be careful of what they let slip. Tom and Draco had both called in Blaise and Pansy and let them know not to speak to any of the Gryffindors outside of the original plans unless they were ordered by either Tom or Draco directly to do so. Blaise and Pansy had agreed of course. They could not really, not agree. Draco had asked them, and Tom had asked Draco to ask them so they were really forced to do what they had been asked. Not that they would have refused even if they were given the choice, because they would not. Blaise and Pansy were almost hilariously loyal to Draco, and it was really quite impressive to see.

They, as Slytherins and the Slytherin house as a whole, had to take every precaution after all. The Gryffindors or the spies within the school that Dumbledore had undoubtedly placed would be searching for any information that would slip. They needed to make sure that no such information slipped that they did not want to slip out. It was all about what was given, and how it was given, and when it was given. Otherwise, consequences could ensue, and those were things that they really did not want to have to worry about along with everything else. As it were, Blaise and Pansy were the only ones with the inner knowledge of what they were doing and the plans which they were bringing to the fore, barring Severus, and he knew very little, as they had intended. After all, Severus had more interaction with Dumbledore than Pansy and Blaise both did. It was wiser for Severus to know just as much as they needed him to know in order for him to be able to act appropriately, and nothing more. As such, it was incredibly important that Blaise and Pansy keep as quiet as possible. They both trusted that Blaise and Pansy would be careful. 

Well, more like Draco trusted them and Tom trusted Draco. After all, Tom did not get to where he was by trusting random people. He was never one to trust people. It served him quite well to be cautious. IT was rather important, when it comes down to trusting people. Wise to be rather cautious. especially in these times. With Dumbledore having as much influence as he did, Tom would shudder what it would be like should he have less mistrust. The old man likely already knew that he cared about Draco to more than just a friendly extent. Though DUmbledore did not think of him as the Voldermort he knew, but rather as that man's son, it did little to convince the man that he was not exactly like his so called father. The man was far more prejudiced than he managed to lead others to believe. Something which continued to anger Tom. 

Though he hated Dumbledore based off of principle, the man had done more than enough to anger him enough to make him want to easily destroy the man. He was in a very precarious position at the moment though, and he wanted to rid the school of Dumbledore. He would need to be careful as to how he and Draco both went on from this point forwards. For all Dumbledore was blind he was not entirely stupid. Stupider than Tom? Yes, stupid off principle, no. Otherwise the man would not have been able to charm almost everyone that he had met after all.

He would not allow anything go wrong, and he was determined to speak with Severus about what would be going on with this staff meeting of his. Tom knew that Draco would agree to help him figure out what had gone on in the staff meeting, as of now however, he needed to remember there was a positive to all of this. 

The Twins. They were basically their people to play off of. They could feed the Twins whatever information they wanted Dumbledore to know, and ensure that they kept any information that they did not wish Dumbledore to know from him. Of course they would need to be careful. They could not feed Dumbledore wrong information the entire time, else the other man would get suspicious. He may be an idiot the majority of the time, but he was somewhat observant, Tom had to give him that. 

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