Chapter 十四

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3rd P.O.V.

When Coach fell, that's when everyone finally reacted. Everyone started to crowd around him as he stayed still with the arrow sticking out of him. It took about half a minute before the Coach finally started moving, and screaming.

"Get it out of me! Get it out of me!" he kept shouting and trying to fidget but Scott, Stiles and Aiden were pushing on him to keep him from moving around too much. "Oh my god! I'm gonna die! I'm gonna die! Get it out of me!"

Stiles was trying to stop the bleeding but his thrashing and shouting wasn't helping any. "Coach! You're not gonna die!" he tried to calm him.

"I'm gonna die!" Coach roared out.

"It hurts less if you stop moving, Coach," Aiden tried to calm him. It didn't. He kept thrashing around and yelling to remove the arrow. "Stay still Coach! An ambulance is coming!"

Kylie was watchign from Ethan's arms as the latter had picked her up when Coach had received the arrow.

"Get it out!" Coach roared at Aiden's face.

Aiden went back as a wave of irritation hit him. He then noticed that they were being crowded by everyone.

"Get back!" he shouted and waved at them to back off. "Give him some room!"

Everyone then started to back away a couple of feet leaving the three of them with Coach. Scott looked over and saw that none of them were close enough to see him before he went to take Coach's hand and started to pull as much pain from him as he could. Scott kept pulling the pain from Coach before he stopped moving.

"I think he just passed out," Aiden told them as Scott stopped pulling pain.

Stiles then raised his hands which were wet with Coach's blood and were shaking. His eyes were locked on his bloody hands.

"I could've killed him. I could've killed him, right? What if it was his head or his throat?"

But Scott quickly shook his head. "But it wasn't, and he's going to be alright."

"I think I just heard an ambulance coming," Aiden told them.

Sure enough, they began hearing the sirens from the ambulance as it was getting closer.

Stiles was staring out in the direction a little freaked. "And my dad."

Scott was off to the side, now with his sister in his arms, watching as Coach was on a gurney and loaded into the back of an ambulance. He then looked over to see Stiles with his dad, sharing a hug after they had been separated for the last two days after the hospital. Scott tightened his grip on his sister, whom he was holding in a hug. He hadn't seen her for the same amount of days as Stiles and even thoigh she was with him, Scott worried a lot for his baby sister.

"Scott." He looked over to see Ethan coming over to him with another bag that he took from Stiles' jeep. "You better look at this."

Scott let Kylie down, looked at the bag and found some wires, bolts, screws and tools inside, along with a roll of wrapping paper. "This is the same wrapping paper we used for Coach's birthday present."

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