Chapter 十三 (B)

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3rd P.O.V.

Chaos. That was the absolute perfect description for what was happening outside of the hospital. It was utter chaos. Everyone in the front hospital was running, being horrified when they saw the explosion and sparks flying around, but Kira was frozen stiff.

"Oh god," she cried as she saw a massive sparking power cable flying off and heading in her direction.

She ducked as it flew over her but the cord circled around and was heading right back at her. An ambulance was moving in and the cord managed to connect with the windshield which made the driver divert the car and just miss Kira by inches as it drove into the sidewalk, knocking over a hydrant and causing water to start shooting upward.

Allison and Isaac were driving for the hospital to check on Stiles when they pulled in to find themselves in the middle of all the madness.

Allison got out just in time to see that there was a whole lot of water spilling out into the street from the broken hydrant. She then saw the sparking cord falling into the water and sparks shooting throughout the puddle. She heard the sound of a door opening and saw that it was the ambulance's EMT getting out of the driver's seat, and the puddle was moving for him.

"Get back!" she screamed at him. 

"Everyone get back!" Kira tried calling out in the street.

But the EMT stepped into it and he instantly became shocked by the voltage and fell flat to the ground. Allison was about to run to try and help him so she didn't see that the puddle was moving for her as well. Isaac quickly saw it and moved to push her.

"Allison!" he said as he jumped in and grabbed her.

He threw her out of the way but ended up getting hit by the water instead. The voltage poured into his body and made him stiffen and fidget where he stood.

"Isaac!" Allison screamed before she saw him fell flat to the ground himself.

A woman stuck in a car managed to get out and step out onto the water as well and was electrocuted herself.

One driver was so distracted by everything that he didn't see that he was heading right for Kira. Kira gasped and then found herself jumping onto the hood of the car and running up the windshield to the roof before flipping away back to the street. Kira landed on her feet and took a moment to wonder just how she even was able to do that.

Scott and Derek were running out of the entrance of the hospital and came across all the chaos that was going on. Scott was going to keep running but Derek went and thrust his arm out to stop him before they could run out into the water.

The cord was still thrashing around violently with sparks dancing off at the end of it. Kira went to it and then grabbed it by the end. She looked at the sparks and then went to cover it with her hand.

The electricity began to flow into her but she was getting shocked. In fact, she seemed to be completely calm. She was breathing calmly as she stopped the wire from doing more harm.

Scott and Derek were watching her as she opened her eyes to reveal that they were glowing. Glowing a bright orange color. She then let the cord go after it was drained of power.

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