Journey to Destiny (II)

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I'm back friends! Here's part II. Enjoy!
        Destiny sat in the hospital room, listening to the beeping of her ex best friends heart on the machine.
        Her eyes raked over Journey, who lay in the hospital bed asleep. Destiny was shocked at the girl before her. She wasn't the fun and loving Journey that she had once knew. Instead she was someone who was mean and dry about everything except that boy she claimed to love.
        Destiny looked at Journey and knew that if she saw herself, she'd scream. When they were friends, Journey always presented herself well and that's one of the many things that the girls had in common.
        Destiny bit her lip and looked down at her hands. Although she and Journey weren't best friends anymore, she wasn't about to just sit there and watch her go through something- especially when she saw that Journey was all alone.
       A deep groan is what made Destiny look up from her hands.
      Journey stirred from her sleep and opened her eyes. The bright lights of the hospital room blinded her and she blinked several times before realizing that she wasn't in the bed she shared with King.
        Looking around, her eyes settled on a figure in the corner. As she focused, she realized that it was her ex friend- Destiny.
        "Why are you here?" Journey croaked out. "Where is King?" She said as she tried to sit up, but was to weak to do so.
         "Journey...he's not here. And I'm here because when you came in, I was about to end my shift volunteering. But when I saw you I knew I couldn't leave." Destiny told her.
        Memories of what happened flooded her mind. She wanted to cry, but she wouldn't let Destiny see her tears.
        Destiny watched as her former friend closed her eyes. She knew that Journey was hurting. And she also knew that she was trying to conceal her pain.
         "Hey." Destiny called out. "Do you need anything? Any water?"
        Journey nodded her head yes and watched as Destiny stood up. Why is she being nice to me, Journey wondered as she watched her former friend leave the room.
        As soon as she heard the door close, Journey allowed her tears to fall. She couldn't believe that she was in this mess. Her heart broke because she was alone- with no one to hold her.
         She wept. But, as soon as she heard the door opening again she wiped her face. Destiny's chocolate face appeared  in the doorway and in her hands held the cup of water. Journey looked at her- taking in her familiar features.
        They were opposite one another- ying and yang. Destiny had warm and rich cocoa skin while Journey was mixed, with soft brown skin. Journey was average height, while Destiny was short and on the thicker side.
        Journey took in Destiny and although she had seen her millions of times, something was different about her. Something she couldn't quite place- but the different showed in the glow of her face.
        "So I got you some room temperature water. Too hot water will burn your throat. And too cold water will hurt. So room temperature it is." Destiny said as she sat beside Journey, gently handing her the cup and watching as Journey took slow but steady sips.
        When she was through, Journey lay back in the bed, exhausted. Her body was weak and she only wanted to rest.
        "Rest, Journey." Destiny said. Journey closed her eyes and began to sleep.

        When she awoke several hours later, Destiny was gone. Instead of her- a black female doctor was looking at her IV and wrong things down on a clipboard. When she noticed the young girl staring at her, she smiled down at her.
        "Hello, Journey." She said as she sat down on a stool. "I'm Doctor Williams. I will be taking care of you and checking on you. How are you feeling?"
        Journey sat up a little. "I'm tired."
        Dr. Williams nodded. "That's to be expected. I would like to talk to you about your condition. But, before we do that there are some very important people who are just outside the door." Dr. Williams said before she got up and walked over to the door, opening it.
        Journey's heart leapt when she saw her parents enter the room. She hadn't  seen either of them in a few weeks. She could tell her mother had been crying because her eyes were puffy and swollen. Her father held her mother as they walked in.
        "Hello, parents." Dr. Williams smiled warmly. "Because Journey is still a minor, I'd like to talk to you guys about her condition."
        Dr. Williams looked down at her clipboard before speaking. "Journey you were shot in your arm. The bullet didn't cause much damage, but it was pretty deep. It's gonna he sore for a while, but we have some therapy techniques for you to do. Also, you may notice that your lower half is sore." Dr. Williams said and Journey nodded her head.
       "That is because you suffered a miscarriage." Dr. Williams paused. It pained her to deliver this type of news, but she knew she had to. "You were only a few weeks along, but due to the stressful situation with you getting shot, your body decided to abort the child."
       After those words, Journey didn't hear anything else that the doctor said. Her mind kept replaying one word: miscarriage.
        I was pregnant? I was growing a life?, she thought as she allowed her tears to fall. Feeling someone embrace her, she allowed her mother to hug her tightly.
        Dr. Williams knew that they needed this time together. Her heart hurt as watched the scene before her. She said a silent prayer as she exited the room, praying that everything would work out for the family she had just left.

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