Author's Note

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Hey guys! It's me- Malaysia.

So I haven't forgot about y'all lol. I know I've been MIA though. But let me explain.....

I'm a junior in college and my class work gets me sometimes. Plus I'm in lots of organizations.

So yeah-I'm pretty busy. However, I miss y'all 🥺. And I haven't forgot about you all.

I'm working on a story for y'all actually! I'm excited for this one.

How are y'all doing though? Y'all holding up good?

I pray so. Keep God first in all things, and He'll order your steps.

I just wanted to update y'all on my status lol. I'm still here.

Ok, let me get back to my homework.

I love and appreciate all of you ❤️

-Malaysia 🥰

Black Love Short StoriesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora