"Tonight, we celebrate!" she said proudly as she put down the bottles and took out of her pocket a bundle of money.

Micah looked at her with a surprised expression, but it quickly turned into a proud one. He knew she was scared after what happened. This was why he tried to cheer her up with horse riding. But he was glad that she was starting to regain her confidence again. He knew she was good at fooling people and that she enjoyed it.

"My, my, my Miss Forcier" Micah said with a smirk, taking his bottle and clicking it with hers.

And from here, they drank. A lot. And they laughed a lot too. Micah was telling a story about how he had to defend himself against a crazy working-girl, who was actually a serial killer. Elizabeth was laughing so hard. Micah just looked at her, feeling a warm sensation in his chest as he looked at her so happy, knowing that he was the cause to her happiness right now. Him, and the booze.

"I always knew you could find some weird things in this kind of place" Elizabeth said shaking her head

"You can't even imagine, trust me" Micah added with a wink, making Elizabeth laugh again.

She looked at him for a moment, before her face became a bit more serious.

"You never thought about... I don't know, finding someone? Could avoid you this kind of mishap" Elizabeth said quietly.

Micah looked at her silently, his smile also fading a little.

"Don't know. Until now I never felt that way for someone. And with the kind of life I lead..." Micah answered with a shrug before drinking his beer.

"And what about you? You really didn't meet any guys well enough amongst all those your father presented you?" Micah added with a smirk.

"Well, they were not all bad. But they were all kind of boring you know? Most of them only talked about themselves, about their families' richness. It was really just empty conversations. And they all expected me to be just pretty and quiet. So yeah, really it was mostly endless monologue from boasting brats" Elizabeth explained while playing with her bottle.

"So you never had a man?" Micah asked as he looked at her with shining eyes, a playful smirk on his lips.

Elizabeth looked at him, a bit clueless at first, but then her eyes widened as she understood what he asked and her cheeks turned pink.

"O-of course I have! I met a ranch boy when I was younger. He was very nice. We saw each other a few times before he had to move out of town" she said, looking only at her hands as she felt her cheeks burning.

"A ranch boy uh? Did he take you to his barn to show you his shovel?" Micah asked with a wink.

Elizabeth jaw dropped and her cheeks got bright red.

"Mister Bell! That's enough I think!" she said, faking indignation before bursting of laughter. Micah laughed with her before offering another round of beers.

Then they drank some more and were now giggling like children after they saw a drunk man fall from his chair.

"We should get going, it's getting late" Micah said as he clumsily stood up.

"No way I let you ride a horse in that state" Elizabeth answered as she grabbed his arm to prevent him from going outside. She saw how quickly Micah was emptying his bottles, and thought it might be smart not to get wasted like him.

"Just stay here, I gonna rent a room for the night" Elizabeth said as she sat Micah back on his chair.

"Miss Forcier, I didn't know you were like that" Micah said flirtatiously.

Opportunity  (Micah Bell x OC)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu