Chapter 6: The Gravekeeper

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"Hey, dumbass! Wake the fuck up!"

What beautiful words to wake up to.

Ash finally woke up, still finding himself on the graveyard tree somehow. In fact, it seemed like he adjusted himself not to fall either before or as he slept, but of course, Ash knew that's not what happened. Blinking back to the present, Ash saw Brass down on the ground seemingly pissed and standing next to the gravekeeper, Mr. Deep.

"How long was I out?" Ash asked.

"Who the fuck cares?" Brass replied. "We got more serious shit to-"

"Would you stop with the swearing, son!" Mr. Deep interrupted. "It's enough for you to be disturbing The Slayers, but to use such-"

"I am a Slayer, old man!" Brass interrupted.

"You are most certainly not!" Mr. Deep shot back. "Why, I've known John since-"

Like before, Ash started to ignore the two finding that better than to listen to their bickering. Still waking up, Ash tried recalling everything that led to now: The Slayers, the graveyard, the zombies, the hand- oh. Ash looked to his previously injured ankle as he just noticed the lack of pain. Although there was still a burnt hole in his jeans from where the hand grabbed him, the wound itself was no longer there but replaced with a unique looking scar. Ash turned his ankle side to side getting a good look at it, finding only dried blood as the only evidence of how recent the wound was.

Thanks, Ash thought.

Why, of course, she replied.

Planning on sticking around?

From what I've seen so far, it looks like I'm going to have to.

To that, Ash smirked then turned to Brass and Mr. Deep, tuning them in again. "- just wanted the job," Brass spoke. "I didn't care who he was or what happened to the last guy, but becoming a Slayer? Now that's a title I want to carry." At this time, Ash climbed down the tree and headed to the duo, and Mr. Deep responded, "So you want to be a Slayer for a title? Do you have any idea how dangerous it is to be a Slayer? A Slayer career is no simple feat, boy! I have seen time and time again, Slayer after Slayer-"

"Excuse me.." Ash said, interrupting Mr. Deep and not really caring for the conversation, but when Both Brass and Mr. Deep shot looks at him, Ash hesitated. "Well?" Mr. Deep demanded. "Well, where... Where are John and Ceris?" As though it was purposely answering Ash, a large explosion is both heard and seen around the corner of a building South from the graveyard.

"Well," Mr. Deep said, still composed contrasting to Ash and Brass, both looking at the explosion with disbelief. "I believe that answers that." Mr. Deep then turned back to the group watching Ash and Brass exchange glances at each other. "Well now," Mr. Deep continued, breaking the silence of the duo but speaking over the sounds of apparent gunshots and crashes from the distance, "as I was saying, I've seen Slayer after Slayer fall under this job. There are, of course, easy ones, but there are, as well, ones that will force you to put your very life on the line." As he spoke, both Ash and Brass glanced over his shoulder watching a red Toyota fly from around the corner and land with a bang scraping across the street.

Mr. Deep never moved.

"There are those who take this job for money, and there are those who take this job for fame, and at the end of both of these paths, as I've seen over and over again, waits only death."

More gunshots were heard, shots from a shotgun, and a monstrous screech unlike any creature heard before. Ash was still, Brass was still, but in their minds, they both had their thoughts frantically flying as Mr. Deep continued, "now I implore the both you, - think. Think of what you want; why you are here. Know these answers and know them well, for when you do, determine for yourself if this is truly the path you should take, or else if you don't... I just might find the both of you in my own graveyard someday."

Ash thought long and hard on such words. Why am I here? He thought of Illinois on how he wanted to run away. Illinois was his only home and really all he had which was why he knew he had to leave especially since that day. He then thought of himself and what's in him. He's had her for an entire decade now, yet they both still know very little of what they can do or even how they were able to for that matter. Maybe with the Slayers, they can finally learn. Ash heavily pondered in these thoughts, but there was something missing; there was something else he very much wanted, and he knew it... but he didn't know what.

Ash, Brass, and Mr. Deep all stood around as the waging battles continued. They knew they were wasting time, but none of them could say but a word. Ash looked to Brass, and Ash could see the turmoil Brass was facing. Clearly, there was more to being a Slayer for Brass than 'a title,' and Ash wished he knew what, but knew better than to ask. Brass struggled, looking at the corner of his eyes, and Ash then noticed - he was digging his nails into his fists.

"Do you really think I care if I get my ass buried here?" Brass finally said, breaking the silence of everyone. "I know being a Slayer is much more than just a fucking paycheck, old man!" He finally looked to Mr. Deep, a specific fire in his eyes, and Mr. Deep met his eyes with annoyance. "I know that being a Slayer is a helluva dangerous job and doesn't always mean you get to retire, but at least it actually means something; at least it has meaning because I already lived through one worthless life." Brass started approaching Mr. Deep slowly getting closer and closer, never breaking his stare and continuing his words. "I already lived through a life where the only thing that mattered was me, and I had enough of it. I wanted a change. I wanted to leave a life that meant something, wanted to live a life that had meaning, and when that one day came where I finally found the one thing that gave me purpose in life, the one thing that gave my life meaning-" He stood right before Mr. Deep now, his head tilted and looking down on the old man.

"She DIED."

Brass stepped away from Mr. Deep. "Finding meaning... finding meaning in living after that. That to me is what it means to be a god - damn - Slayer." With that, he began heading towards the gates, heading to the battle, but he stopped for only a second to turn to Ash. "I don't know about you, dumbass, but I'm fixing to go to work." And with that, he left the group leaving only Mr. Deep waiting and Ash speechless.

You don't need to go, the familiar voice said, waking him to reality. It's okay to quit and leave now. You don't need to risk your own life just to find our answers.

Ash was silent.

Ashley, please. You don't need to die over this. It's okay to be afraid. It's okay to not be ready, and it's okay to look somewhere else. It's okay to run.

Run... Ash thought and repeated. He looked to Mr. Deep. He had a face that was very difficult to read, but Ash didn't need to read it. Ash knew that this was just a man who knew the Slayers much longer than him, saw the patterns of recruits joining and dying, and only had intentions to help, but for what reason, he did not know. Ash looked at Mr. Deep knowing he was waiting for an answer, but hearing enough of the word run echo in his head over and over again, Ash finally had an answer.

"Thank you, Mr. Deep," Ash said. "Your words..."

"Don't mention it," he replied. "Now if you excuse me, I have to look over the graves you guys so hastily reburied."

Ash watched Mr. Deep walk to a grave next to him, the grave of 'Lon Gawn.' Despite all the screeches, crashes, and gunshots up ahead, Ash couldn't help but look at the grave with much curiosity.

"Mr. Deep, if I may,... can I get your first name?"

"My first name?" he replied. "Why..."

"It's Barry."

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