Chapter 2: Slayers Inc.

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"Bring this to Minion at the front desk," said the man handing Ashton his clipboard. "He'll know what to do." Minion? thought Ash. He reached over the desk far too large for the room to retrieve the papers all as the man asks, "Any questions?" Minion? thought Ash once again. He shook his head, and the man nodded back and looking back at his assorted papers. Ash decided it was best to leave then, but with a hand on the door, he suddenly hesitates. Should I ask more questions?

Ash turned his head to the man who noticed Ash still at the door.

"I.. don't recall your name," Ash said.

"John," replied the man. "My name is John."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, John, I'm Ash."
"I know," John responded looking with an empty face to Ashton, but Ash recognized his own stupidity. "I, uh..." Ash stuttered. "Right..."

John and Ash remain looking at each other awkwardly for a long five seconds as John's face never once showed a trace of emotion.

Just go, said a familiar voice in his head. To that, Ashton opened the door and left the room, but not before taking a quick peek at the clipboard he had in his hand now.

Ashton Storms

Do they have cool powers? CHECKED

Can they at least shoot guns or swing swords? UNCHECKED - 'Bo-staff'

Do they have a tragic or awesome backstory!? UNCHECKED

Are they fun to be around or are they gonna be a pain? QUESTION MARK

Do they like Chinese and Mexcian food (a MUST)? CHECKED

What would be their superhero name? 'Ash'

Is this really the right job for me? Ash questioned once again.

Closing the door behind him, Ash found himself in the familiar waiting room of where he was before still unable to comprehend the company within it. In the waiting chair far left from Ash laid a tanned muscular man covered in tattoos wearing a tank top and tattered jeans. He looked like he had come fresh out of prison or someone straight from the 'hood as the man snored laying back in his chair drooling to the floor. Beside him sat a pale and scrawny man with combed blonde hair wearing a white button-up and khakis looking straight at Ashton with a supposedly friendly smile but one held for too long slightly disturbing Ash. Following as he was told, Ash headed to the front desk where a young boy, maybe 10 or 11 years old, wearing a grey hoodie advertising Pacman and a furry fox hat with sleeves sat working on a computer emitting audio sounding similar to Galaga. The boy lent a hand out still focused on the computer. Ashton looked at the hand for a moment unsure before handing the boy his clipboard.

"Cool," the boy said, muting the computer and looking over the clipboard. "Ashton Storms? That sounds like a superhero alter ego, not a superhero name."

"What type of name is Minion?" Ash asked, partly curious and partly defensive. The boy looked to Ashton now with clear annoyance. "The best kind," Minion shot back. Minion looked back over the papers as the waiting white-collared man back in 'the waiting room' raised a hand. "Excuse me," the man started in a polite and seemingly mastered tone of voice, "how much more time until we're informed whether we have the job?" Minion shrugged. "I don't know. I just file the paperwork." Minion focused on the computer once again and the sounds of Galaga encompass the room once more.

Is this really the job for me, Ashton wondered again.

The phone rings.

"The phone's ringing?" Minion questioned. "Who actually uses the landline? It's 2019." Minion paused his paperwork and disappeared under his desk to only reappear placing a ringing push-button telephone on the desk and picking up the call. "Slayers Inc., local demon-hunting pros, Minion speaking. Oh, hi Mr. Deep." The call continued as the office door opened showing John in his long leather trench coat peeking out. "Where is the next person?" He looked to Ash who then looked to the white-collared man. "Oh, I've already gone," said the man as everyone's heads turn to the possibly-ex-con passed out in his waiting chair. "Typical," John said.

"Shall I wake him up, sir?" asked the collared man. "No, Ceris," John said. "If he really wanted the job, he'd be awake."

"Understandable, sir," Ceris said standing up and dusting off himself. It's at this moment, Ashton noticed how distinguished the man really is: from his well-kept hair to his white buttoned shirt to his ironed straight khakis to even his black shined shoes, Ceris looked very prepared for his interview while Ashton simply put on a nice denim jacket this morning unsure of what else to wear and the sleeping man was dressed less than casual with his not so clean tank top and very unprofessional drools and snores. Along with John being in a thick trench coat and Minion just being a child, Ceris really stood out in the room in his office cubicle wear.

"Have you come to a decision regarding the interviews?" Ceris asked still in his nearly perfect polite manner. "Yes, I have," John said, still standing and looking over the sleeping man before turning his focus to Ceris and Ashton. Ashton sweated waiting for the man's next words and looked over John in the moment. John had his hair cut short with his face empty of scars or any hint of being a 'demon hunting pro.' The best evidence he had was that long black trenchcoat of his bearing many pockets and a sheathed sword on his back. Who uses a sword in the 21st century? Along with the trenchcoat, John wore leather black gloves matching his laced leather boots. Maybe his face didn't show it, but John's outfit certainly screamed demon hunter.

After moments of nothing but Minion's call, John finally and simply answered, "due to low staff, you're all hired." Ceris smiled widely at the news but Ash pondered on the announcement. "Thank you so much, sir!" Ceris said in questionable glee. "I hope you find my performance in the workspace nothing less than exceptional!" "I'm counting on it," John replied apathetically. "Uhh.." Ash uttered, turning the heads of both John and Ceris. "W-why.. Is there a low number of-"

"Oh Mister Joooohhhn," calls out Minion to- guess who? "Yes?" John replied, dropping Ashton's question and turning to the desk. "Mr. Deep is having another zombie problem," Minion said, hand on the phone. John sighed at this leaving Ash pondering another... zombie problem? "Tell him we'll be there in 15 minutes," John responded. As Minion returned to his call, John turned to the new recruits. "Looks like you guys are starting right away."

"How wonderful!" Ceris exclaimed in cheer contrasting to Ash's uncertain reaction. "Exactly... how are we going to deal with these... zombies?" Ash asked unsure whether his words were even real. "It's simple," John began, "we're going to return the undead to their own graves." Ash nodded slowly trying to comprehend it all as Ceris excitedly said, "then expect for these corpses to be buried as soon as possible and in the utmost efficient way!" Ash looked to Ceris curiously for such an unhesitating reply, but John turned to Ceris and actually smirked at him. "I think you're going to be a fine Slayer, Ceris." Ceris nodded gratefully and, once again, nearly perfectly. "Thank you, sir," Ceris said with a smile.

Ashton found himself even more nervous about this ordeal. He may still be new to this Slayers idea but so is Ceris, yet Ceris appeared as though he's studied the Slayers and prepared for the interview long before Ash even heard of them. Don't lose this job, Ashton, thought Ash. You don't have much, and this is your one shot, Ashton. No one is like you, Ashton. You got this, Ashton!

Relax, Ashton said the familiar voice again.

Ash froze for a moment before nodding then turning to John, but before he could say anything else, John asked the recruits, "do you know where Mortis Graveyard is?"

Ceris, right on the mark, nods and confirms, "yes, sir! It's right around the corner of Mc. Donalds right down Drury Lane." You're starting to piss me off, Ceris, thought Ash. Stay calm, Ashton, another voice reminded Ash. John nodded to Ceris. "Exactly right. Now, do you two have rides to get there?"

I was worried he'd ask that. Ash hesitated for a moment before shamefully shaking his head. Ash had to take a taxi to get here since he didn't have a license. There were a lot of things he had to lose in Illinois. Ash was worried of what was next, but to his surprise, Ceris spoke, "I'm afraid I don't, sir. I had to run here for the interview, but I'm capable of driving if needed, sir! Just.. not legally I'm afraid." I guess Ceris wasn't perfect in everything.

"No need," John said, pulling out a smartphone from his many pockets and tapping on the screen for a few moments before raising it to his ear. "I got it covered."

"Oh, do we have our own official Slayers vehicle?" Ceris asked. "Or perhaps we have our own personal driver?"
"Something like that," John said.

"We got Uber."

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