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Blood. That's a lot of blood. Oh my god, that's a lot of blood. Blood and glass everywhere; what's even in this trash? Jesus Christ, that hurts. Okay. Okay... I'm okay. Wow... I can actually feel my adrenaline pumping. Is this really how it feels? It's painful. Still, it was quite a thrill, wasn't it? Wasn't it? Wait...oh no. where are you? No, no; not after all that. Where is it!? Oh, there you are. Oh my god, I thought I lost you, but as long as I have you, I'll be okay. Now if I can get out of this dump...

There; nice and simple. Now, I just need to take things easy and just take one step at a time. Just one step at a time. Easy. Now, I need to get out of here. I need to get out of here, they're still after you, and I need to keep you close. If I lose you, it's all meaningless in the end, and I can't let that happen. I've already taken the leap; it's either this or I die, but don't forget to keep pressure on those wounds, Albert; keep pressure on them and keep breathing. Just keep breathing and keep it together... It's as simple as that. Just keep breathing... Oh my god, that's a lot of blood. Okay, keep it together. Just keep it together. You're almost there...

That's right! Thank you. Thank you very much. I can do this!... Say... I didn't get your name yet? What is your name? What's that? You have none? You have all? I don't understand... Look, if you want me to help, I-... Right. I'm sorry. You're right, and I'm sorry; it won't happen again...

Oh my god, they're here. No, no, no, please! I can still make it. If I can just... no, no, no. Please! Just let me have the book! Please! Just let me-... What? What would that do? They have their guns pointed at me... They're going to kill me! Are you sure? I don't want to die. Please don't let me die! Are you sure? Will this really work? I'm sorry, I'm sorry!

Okay... I'm putting my trust in you...

Please don't let me die... Okay.

Here it goes.

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