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WHO KNEW THE world could be this peaceful?

now that seoul was a distant beacon of light in the creeping night, jimin had believed that he would be liberated from all of the problems and affairs that haunted him. but that was simply naïve.

it seemed as if the one problem he thought had met its solution had hunted him down, even if he now resided in the countryside and was living under a completely different identity. the hair that framed his face was dyed back to its usual onyx pigment jimin had been born with.

he thought that he would have had everything he wanted.

and yet, jungkook avoided jimin as if the air around him was stained with a potent poison that would happily sign away his name to the grime reaper. not even explained the ignition to this strange behaviour within the man.

jimin expired as he looked over the lush green landscape and the lake that mirrored the sky where the sun was beginning its decent into the eastern ocean. perched on the porch's bench as another day reached its conclusion once again. the newly transformed raven-haired male had made no progress in finding out why jungkook had become so distant once again. even though raven had acted as the final nail in the coffin for hoseok to be thrown into prison, jimin failed to feel the satisfaction that everyone else did.

he wanted to know what he had done to drive jungkook away without realising it.

"thank you again, officers." raven's voice suddenly interrupted the tranquil scene as the door creaked to an open, unleashing officer min as well as jungkook out into the world once again. seeing the younger male caused his heart to collapse into his stomach. "it's alright. now that we just need to find more physical evidence, you two can relax until we manage to get him into court. once the trial is over you'll get a safe, permanent residence somewhere else in the country." officer jeon spoke with a small smile on his lips.

how could he smile when he knew he had broken a heart?

just as the two officers were about to leave once again, jimin found his body standing up from bench without his authority. guessing that his subconscious wouldn't let jungkook leave without an explanation. "officer jeon, i need to talk to you." jimin didn't ask, he ordered the younger.

jungkook hesitated for a moment as he stood at the bottom of the steps. looking back at yoongi for some sort of assurance only to be met with nothing but a sigh. "you have five minutes, jeon."

as yoongi retreated back to the car, jimin walked up to meet with the taller man; unsure of whether he would be able to keep his emotions firmly within his grasp or they would simply pour out of him like a sudden flood that no one was prepared for.

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