Saying Goodbye

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I closed the door and stuck my tongue out at the girls who were glaring at me probably thinking that I was Gabre's girlfriend. I turned on the radio, in a happy mood that I had go the guts to kiss Chuy. I turned the radio to my favorite station KIIS-FM 102.7. The song that was on was Die Young by Ke$ha. I started singing out loud dramatically. 

Oh what a shame that you came here with someone...

Lets make the best of it like like we're gonna die young!

....Its pretty obvious that you crush, that magic in your pants is making me blush...

I sang loudly and happily jumping in my seat. I sang and the people outside looked at me funny. I wasn't happy really, I just needed to smile and I was hyper. Three songs later my brother came in the car. 

"Someone's a little happy, "

"Oh baby give me one more night!" I sang.

"It is because you kissed that one kid? Let me just say I didn't think you had it in you."

"How did you--"

I was interrupted by Ke$ha's voice on the radio a second time and sang along.

"I hear your heart beat to the beat of the drums..." I sang again.

Gabe gave up on me and began to drive. Soon he sang along to. I laughed because I was beginning to wonder how the girls that were with him earlier would react to his horrible, off beat singing. 

They would probably think it was cool. 

We got home couple songs later and he parked the car. There a was blue moving van in the parking lot, my mother had taken the day off so that we could finish packing all the stuff. Not that we had to much stuff. 

I opened the door and tripped over air and my backpack and landed with a thud on the hard concrete.  

"Ouch," I muttered out of habit. 

My brother raced to my side of the blue car and quickly knelt down next to me. 

"Are you okay?" 

He began to check me all over turning my arms.

"It's cool man," I murmured. "There's no blood, so I must be fine. There is no broken bones, I don't think."

He nodded and smiled at me pity in his eyes. I stood up as he went to the other side of his car, grabbed his backpack and went inside. I grabbed my backpack and went on to the neighbor's house. I knocked the door.

Two adorable little kids peeked out behind Ms. Gallegos's legs.

"Nane!!!!" they yelled loudly.

I grabbed them and wrapped my arms around them snugly.

"I'm leaving," I told them sadly. I was their babysitter since they were born four years ago.

"We know, mommy told us, why?" asked Danielle. She and little Danny were twins.

I shook my head and held them lightly. We walked to the small lame park around the corner.

Playing with them was really fun, they were young and a good excuse to be myself. You could go to the park, run around wildly, yell and be the queen of the castle. I could be myself, and one would ever care. Because they thought I was a good older sister not someone who was being herself.

I finished saying goodbye. It was okay though. It was going to be okay. I didn't have pretend anymore. I was getting a chance to start over. I looked in the corner of my eye, thinking I had seen someone. I shook my head and walked to my house.

When I got home, my brother was saying goodbye to his car. It was going to be taken to the other side of the world-- I mean US-- in a tow truck. I smiled and got into my mom's giant truck, that had the moving van thing behind it. And we drove.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A/N: Hey guys. I finally finished this. I am so happy. I was really frustrated because the computer was being stupid so I'm sorry. I know this is really slow, but it'll be better. I haven't edited this yet so please be nice. Comment and vote!!! Thanks beautiful people. Love you dudes!!!~ Oh btw, the song is Die Young by Ke$ha. I don't own anything!!

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