Remembering Marixa

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I was barely fitting in to my school, when we had to move. I couldn't believe it, I hated going to school everyday since my mother broke the news to me and I hated knowing that I wouldn't be able to see my friends anymore. Needless to say, I couldn't enjoy my last days in Monterey, California knowing that I was going to go to the middle of nowhere North Carolina. 

My mom was a single mother, my father had left us for some rich woman when we were little, but I knew better than to believe my mother when she was mad, which was when she talked to us about him. She had raised my brother and I alone, and I was greatful for that, but this was one of the times I hated her stupid job.

My mother had a job in teaching, and she had gotten an "opportunity to help the community and let her dreams come true." 

Translation: We were moving the other side of the U.S because they were paying her more.

When she put it that way though, I felt bad for wanting to stay here, after all, she was a good, strong woman that supported and loved us. The more I thought about it though, the more I became sad. 

And then she made me feel guilty.

"Ay, Vanessa, now I'll be able to buy you all those clothes like all  pretty girls! You can dye your hair, and you can start all over and become the most popular one! All the boys will be crazy about you. You will walk down the hallways and be the princess from California!" 

I knew she meant well, and I sometimes I even dreamt about going there and bragging about being from Cali to cheer myself up. But I knew that was nonsense. I was super shy and I wasn't even pretty. I hated going shopping.

I imagine the people there, my older brother told me stories about how everyone there was pale because it rained all the time and there was no sun. I was stupid and believed him, and I couldn't help but imagine the Cullens.

I knew Gabriel wanted to move, he hated Monterey and wanted to start somewhere new. I didn't. But then again, Gabe was good at making new friends.  

So I sucked it up and tried to enjoy my last days. I had told my friends that I was going to leave, and we swore that we would call, I knew however, that those things don't last long. There was a small rumor that we were leaving, and by we I mean mostly my brother, who was popular unlike me. So of course, there was girls after school telling them how much they were going to miss him in front of their car and running their slutty hands all over him. I spotted him in the parking lot the last day with the same girls as before telling him once again, how much they would miss him. He saw me and waved me over, but I just shook my head and went back into the school. I had no one to hang out with, my friends had to leave and I had already said my goodbyes.

So I decided to say goodbye to the school in a unorderly fashion. I got a sudden rush of adrenaline pulse through my body, and I thought why not?

So I did what anyone else would do. I skipped around the school saying goodbye to random people, hugged my locker, ran into my favorite teacher and gave her a hug, again, and then went right to Chuy's locker. He was standing there, looking all beautiful and sweet. I had had a secret crush on him since forever. I took a deep breath of air in and went up to him. 

He paused his conversation with his friends and brought his attention to me. 

"Hey Vane, " he said smiling at me.

"Hi!" I said happily, I looked like an idiot but I didn't care.

I stood on my tippy toes and kissed him. Then I ran. 

And then I heard his friends laugh and ask him why he hadn't told then we were going out. 

I laughed to already outside, and smiled at my brother who was pulling the girls off of him and got into the blue 1998 Camaro. 

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