Oh yeah, he had completely forgotten the part that now that he had imprinted on the girl who was currently being stalked by a freaky vampire he could either let her know that he's not in some weird steroid cult and instead it's like a brotherhood of werewolf stuff. As if that's any better. If he told her about the wolf stuff he would also have to tell her about the vampire stuff and if he had to tell her all of that why not throw in the imprint bond that makes him her bitch.

Embry paused. He knew how Emily and Kim acted after being told. He also knew that Harper wasn't like them. "I don't want her to like me because a weird part of my genetic code makes me prioritize her to like everything, I want her to like me because she chooses to," he said lightly as his eyes went through the A+ paper again. "I am so pathetic," he mused out. 

Emily turned to look at Paul and Sam. "Were either of you guys like this?" 

"It was more like wow the girl I love likes me and I would kill for her, but no," Jared put bluntly earning a bewildered glance from Paul.

Sam shrugged. "It was a," his eyebrows furrowed as he tried to find the right words to express how weird it was, "time?"

Emily seemed fine with his hesitant answer before worriedly turning to Embry. "If you hurt her, I will cut you."

Embry just nodded nonchalantly as if he had heard the threat a thousand times. "I can't. I'm bound to be whatever she wants me to be," Embry paused as if the words felt foreign in his mouth. "She's-"

Emily's ringtone cut him off, he was grateful because he would rather not have said what he was about to. The woman answered it immediately. "Hey sweetie, how's the party."

The music was still pounding from where she was on the sidewalk. Harper didn't feel cold and she was blaming it entirely on her inebriated state. Sage was nowhere to be seen. It wasn't like her to just up and disappear and even then her car was stil at the party. It wasn't like she just flew away. After spending nearly an hour going through the entirety of Mike Newton's home twice over she was tired and wanted to sleep in her bed despite her and Sage's tradition of sleeping in hers and cuddling.

"I-I can't find Sage... I miss Sage," Harper said, her words slurred. Even then the five could make it out. Harper shook herself out of her stupor and held her clothed arms tighter to her self. "I don't like this shirt," she babbled on. "It's too... too, ugh what's the word for something being not tall?"

"Short," Emily guessed while furrowing her eyebrows. She had gotten somewhat drunk calls from Harper before and even when she had seen her she wasn't nearly this bad.

"Yeah, thanks, Auntie Emily... Oh yeah and I'm tired and the ground is so cold and inviting," she rambled.

"Harper," Emily began curiously knowing the answer to her question might cause a right, "were you mixing your drinks tonight?"

"Yep." Harper eventually decided it would be best to sit on the ground. As expected the ground felt nice. And then suddenly she was laying on it. Weird how the world works, right? "I want to hold somebody's gosh diddly darn hand."

Emily hummed in response while her eyes were wide. "Okay sweetie, I'm going to have Embry pick you up in Nova," Emily tossed him the keys and he was already outside by the time she finished.

Harper let out a whine and for some reason, she began to cry. "I-I just love Nova so much. She works so hard."

Paul and Jared looked at each other incredulously. They were cool kids before this, and they knew how to party. Harper was wasted. She was incredibly completely wasted.

"I'm going to take a nap, night night," Harper mumbled out.

"If you do, I'll ground you," Emily threatened.

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