Chapter 29- Forte

Start from the beginning

I wash her face and brush her teeth. Once I had done that I got her dressed into some black jeans and a white top with a yellow cardigan.

Once Alannah was ready I take her hand and walk through the bathroom to James room.

James was sat at the end of his bed in some black jeans and one of his college hoodies.

"I'm going to get ready." I say and he nods and takes Alannah's hand.

I get out of the shower and head to my room.

I quickly get dressed into some light blue jeans. I put on a black long sleeve t-shirt and tuck it into my jeans. I then do my makeup.

I only put some concealer and mascara on and do my brows. I then go over my hair with the straighteners.

"Mama you look pretty." Alannah says skipping into the room holding James hand.

"Thank you bub." I say leaning down and kissing her.

"So what's our plans?" I ask Alannah.

"We're going to throw park now." She says and I get down on my knees in front of her so I'm the same height as her. She means Central Park in manhattan.

"Bub its freezing." I say and she shrugs. She runs downstairs and to the shoe closet.

"Wrap up warm." James jokes.

I head out to my car to and see that Alannah's car seat isn't in the car.

I furrow my eyebrows when I realise it's in Jax's car.

"We can't go." I say turning around to Alannah whose stood behind me.

"Why?" She asks and pouts.

"Jax still has your car seat." I say and her eyes turn glassy.

"I wanted to go to the park." She says and starts crying.

"I know." I say and pick her up.

We head back into the house and go into the living room.

"How about we make forts and have a movie day?" James asks and Alannah nods, wiping her tears.

"I'll go get the some snacks." I say grabbing my car keys.

"Be safe mommy." Alannah says hugging my legs.

"I will be I promise." I say leaning down and kissing her cheek quickly.

I get in my car and for the first time in the longest time I'm driving on my own. I can play my music without having to worry about it swearing and without Alannah complaining she doesn't know it.

I get to target and wander around. I stroll down the christmas isles just to be nosy.

I always loved christmas as a child. My mom worked every other christmas so the times me, my mom and my dad spent Christmas together was the happiest moments.

I finally get to the candy isle and pick up quite a few bags. I then pick up some chips before paying and getting back in the car.

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