Portraits Controlling Time

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"It's been years since I'm stuck in here and I will never regret my life here"

It was in the year 1985 when I was in my final year of the PhD programme in Physics major when I met the true meaning of my life.

Living my days in a tranquil way with no one to care and wait for me at home, I had become a machine - a wireless one.
In the morning, I would listen to constant lectures on Unclear Physics from DV Sir. During the evening, I would teach some college students to pay off my living expenses and at night I would work on my "Time Escape" thesis. Struggling day and night to fight for nothing maybe. I had befriended many students and teachers in this University of Brainstorm but none could be so attached to me or make me feel that way.

On 6th June 1985, DV Sir called me to his staff cabin. I remember what he called that day.
"Listen Jane, I have seen you working hard day and night since the first semester but ever since your parents' death you have become a bit detached. Although research is important, life has more colours to it. It's more interesting than the concept of science and extends through the artistic and innate universe. I am not a great consolidator but I can see you trying hard lost in endless work."

I remember each and every word he spoke that day. I finally responded unfeeling to it, " Yes Sir, life is interesting if we have the knack of time and escape the most critical hit. The frame of reference followed by all is not the same, so are the bands beyond the Visible region."

He frowned a bit and spoke, "Well said dear, but remember Escapists are ones who can never rejoice the taste of accomplishment or defeat. It's just a defence and better be used as one. "

"I agree. But why did you call me Sir? "

"Ah! See, I'm forgetting, I am getting old no doubt. Well I have decided that our research team will be having a short day trip to Astrophysics Society of Time and Space for exploring tomorrow. Just inform Annie, Star, Frank and Jocelyn. "

"Roger that! ", I smiled at him like a daughter would smile. He smiled back.

During the afternoon break, I confided in the info to the group.
" Seriously! Tomorrow? We will be going!", Annie almost fell from the chair.

" Yea..Yeah. " , I was taken aback by her absolute excitement.

"Oh my, my dream to visit there would finally be fulfilled.", She stretched her hand away from the notes she was reading.

Jocelyn tittered.

"Hey Grumpy Dude, You made my day finally with the news. ",Frank smirked and laughed.
My teammates were my closest friends. And they are the only people I could confide in my true thoughts most of the time.
" I'm not Grumpy. It's you who is an idiot! ", I revolted.

Others laughed while Frank and I continued to fight with words.
" STOP YOU TWO! Are you both kids? And Frank, you are the worst, pulling her into your charms. Don't you dare transform her.", Star yelled.
"huh! Hey Dude. It's our business. ", Frank remarked and snapped at her words.

Everyone went silent while they faced each other fuming in rage. It felt so awkward that I diverted the topic to the astronomical place and others continued the same. We discussed the place a bit more until the next class commenced.

Next day around 6 a.m., we met in front of the college gate. My teammates had arrived already but there was no sign of DV Sir. We waited until DV Sir's grandson came in running.
He ran in our direction and screeched as he reached here.
"Huff Huff, Who is Jane here? ", the kid perspired and spoke.
" I'm Jane Rose. Is there anything you need? "
The boy nodded.
"Gramps, oops! DV Sir won't be coming with you all. He had given the tickets for you all to visit. Actually he is occupied with work today. "
I took out a candy from my pocket and handed it over to the boy.
"It's okay. Have it. It's your reward. "
The boy smiled and kept the candy and left.

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