Chapter 11

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It's now been a week since Dipper had started his training with Bill Cipher.

Dipper seemed to be a natural with his powers and Bill was impressed.

He had pretty much mastered everything he could, being only half demon and all, so lately he's only been going to the cave to practice or just hang around until eight.

On a Saturday afternoon, Dipper was floating in the air and taking a nap in the cave, when Bill suddenly came in.

"Pine Tree! What are you doing just laying around for? You need to continue practicing!" Bill yelled, looking up at him.

Dipper opened his right eye, which was now a pineapple-ish color and his pupil was as slitted as ever, and looked at Bill annoyed.

He yawned and stretched his arms, "Bill, I don't need anymore practice. I've pretty much mastered everything you've taught me. And it's not like you can teach me anymore stuff, my powers are limited cause I'm still a human."

"I know THAT Pine Tree, but do you really think you've already reached your limit?"

"Uh, yeah I'm pretty sure. I know how to teleport, summon objects, levitate, shapeshift, get into people's dreams, and some other cool tricks you taught me." he said as he counted them on his fingers.

"Wow, I guess you're right Pine Tree! (I didn't notice this week had gone by so fast!) But there is one small thing you still need to do."

"What is it?" Dipper asked excitedly, while bringing himself back to the ground.

"I have a confession to make Pine Tree."

Dipper tilted his head like a confused puppy.

"You see, all this training was never about keeping your powers under control to keep your family safe from you! For all I care, it would've been fun to see your family watch you slowly turn into a monster! But then I thought, 'What if I use this monster to help me take over world?'"

"Wha- what are you talking about?" Dipper asked nervously, "I thought we had a deal!"

"Oh Pine Tree, we never made a deal! (Trust me, I would remember if we did!) But now for your final test, all you need to do is answer one simple question, 'Will you join me?'"

Bill stuck out his hand for Dipper's answer.

Dipper was speechless, but then he realized Bill really WAS asking for an answer.

"N- NO!" Dipper yelled, "What makes you think I would ever join you?! Mabel and Grunkle Stan are my family! I would never leave them!"

"I'm getting out of here."

Dipper was about to snap his fingers, when suddenly Bill grabbed his hand and stopped him.

"You don't need them Pine Tree! You have me now! And I'm the only family you'll ever need." Bill said as he circled around Dipper.

"No!" Dipper yelled while covering his ears, "I'll never join you!"

"Oh Pine Tree, you think you're so strong, but everyone knows that your easy to break."

"All you need is a little," Bill placed his hand on Dipper's shoulder, "nudge."

At that moment, Bill had placed a little more magic into Dipper, who was already at full capacity, and it started to spread all through his body.

"AGHHH!!!" Dipper screamed in pain.

He fell to his knees as blue flames started to surrounded him.

Bill stepped aside and put a sly grin on his face.

Dipper closed his eyes, fearing what was happening to him, and whispered under his breath, "I'm sorry Mabel."


After what felt like an hour to Dipper, the magic fully consumed him and the flames surrounding him went out.

Dipper slowly stood up, feeling dizzy, and opened his eyes.

His right eye was now a deep shade of yellow, like mustard, and his pupil was just a black straight line.

As for his left eye, it stayed the same.

"Hmmm," Bill said as he observed Dipper, "I guess there's only so much magic can do to a meatsack."

"What did you do to me?" Dipper asked nervously, as he snapped his fingers to summon a mirror.

He looked at himself in horror and even backed away a little.

Dipper knew that his outfit was now visible to everyone, he just, felt it.

"I don't want this! Take it back!" Dipper yelled as he threw a blue flame at Bill.

Bill quickly dodged it and snapped his fingers to make the mirror disappear, "There IS no going back kid! You can only go forward now! So what do you say Pine Tree? Stay with me, or have your family abandon you for what you've become?"

Dipper didn't know what to say.

Would his family really abandon him?

No, that's crazy talk.

But even if they didn't abandon him, would they really accept him for who he was now?

Dipper then looked at Bill, who had already accepted him and was going to take him under his wing.

"Fine, I'll join you." Dipper said.

"Oh goodie!" Bill said with delight.

"But with just one condition." Dipper interrupted.

"Anything Pine Tree." Bill said with a grin.

"I want you to leave my family alone. Don't ever try to harm them, physically or emotionally, or else I'll go back to them. I don't care if they don't accept me if I come back, I'll be fine as long as I know that they're safe."

"Alright kid," Bill said, sticking out his flaming hand, "Do we have ourselves a deal?"

Bill looked at his hand and then at Bill.

He lit his hand and shook Bill's, "Deal."

After shaking hands, Dipper noticed that there was a burn mark on his hand in the shape of a triangle.

"What's this?" Dipper asked.

"Just something to mark you as mine, Pine Tree. Now go, you know what you have to do."

Dipper sighed, "Yeah, I know."

Dipper snapped his fingers and teleported himself into his and Mabel's room.

Dipper faced the big window in their room and sighed.

"Mabel! Can you come up? I need to talk to you."

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