"Fine then, if you feel comfortable with it and I believe you know your grandfather the best, I'll go with it. I don't trust him but I do trust you."

Freed smiled and he kissed Laxus gently.

"You can always trust me", he assured.

"You what?!" Porlyusica yelled angrily and Freed flinched.

"That is the situation, Porlyusica", the rune mage explained.

It was already noon, they had informed Evergreen and Bickslow about the situation as well and right now they were packing their things, getting ready for the journey. The only thing standing in their way was Porlyusica who was apparently not happy at all when she heard about their plans.

"You heard damn well what I told you just yesterday!" the pink haired old woman snapped. "No missions! That is final! Get lost!"

"It won't be a mission", Freed assured. "Erza has already approved that we can go, so -"

"I don't care what she says!" Porlyusica frowned. "I have made it perfectly clear from the start that I'm the one who makes decisions when it comes to you, Levy or that what-was-his-name dragon slayer from Babytooth or whatever! Don't waste my time by coming here and argue with me over this."

"You said yesterday that everything was fine."

"I said the respond was stronger! I said nothing about everything being just fine! Something stupid and irresponsible like this might endanger your baby", Porlyusica warned and it did make Freed shudder.

Porlyusica huffed and she sighed. Why must all these idiots cause her a headache all the time?

"It's not like the respond is weak either", she muttered annoyed when trying to think it more.

She did not like this, but it did sound like this journey really was urgent. And for Freed to come and argue with him if he could go or not... He knew the rune mage wasn't stupid, even if she might want to think otherwise. Freed was one of those rare members of Fairy Tail who did not run around and cause chaos where ever he went and if Laxus, Bickslow and Evergreen were to go to Elenbora, he was definitely needed there to take care that nothing would happen.

"I'm sorry I have to make you worry about us, Porlyusica", Freed said. "I know you're doing your best to help us."

"Who said anything about making me worry about you, you green haired ragdoll? It's my research I'm worried about!" she immediately snapped and Freed nodded. "I give you two weeks. Two weeks and after that you better be back or I will personally come to find you and you don't want that to happen", Porlyusica said narrowing her eyes. Freed hold back a chuckle.

She muttered inaudibly, turned around and scribbled something on a paper for a while. After that she got up and gave the sheet for Freed.

"There's an address, once you arrive at Elenbora, go there", the old healer said crossing her arms. "Tell him I sent you. He'll take care of you all while you're there. Since you're going there no matter what, make sure you bring me those herbs I listed. And you better not forget even one of them", she threatened.

"An address?" Freed said and he was utterly surprised, looking at the paper. "Is he your friend?"

"Call him whatever you want, I would say he's nothing but a nuisance. But he has good herbs so remember those."

"I will", Freed assured with a nod.

"He's not so anti-mage as the others so you should be fine being yourselves around him."

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