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I'll be honest, I was not excepting to get 900 views that quickly!  But once again you all proved how awesome you are.  So without further or do, I present an action filled part of Chapter 14.  Comment and keep reading!  Thanks!


Wally's eyes made their way to the Joker who stood tall with his arms dangling to his side.  His hands loosely clutched a small knife.  "I didn't realize that the little heroes in training came to actual missions on their own..."  The Joker bantered.  "You have to start somewhere."  Robin responded.  "Yes... I suppose that makes sense.  Would you like to know how I started?"  The question was directed towards Kid Flash, which was obvious considering the Joker made his way over to him.  "No he doesn't."  The Joker turned to face Robin.  "I'm sorry... does this not work for you?"  He used the knife to point to himself and then Kid Flash.  "What doesn't work for me, is that you're here in an old office building... Why?" 

The Joker began to pace back and forth between the two.  "I don't understand why it even matters.  It could very well be an old office building now, but at any hour or minute, possibly second..."  He stopped between the two of them.  "It could be something completely different."  Robin's face became filled with anger.  "You mean to tell me you've-"  The Joker interrupted him.  "What I mean to tell you is the same thing I did more than a year ago."  He started.  Wally looked over to Robin and then back at the green haired man.  "Don't you bring this up..."  Robin pleaded angrily.  "Bring what up?  The fact that I'm untouchable?  Or the fact that you've already failed six souls?"  The Joker shrugged at the end of his sentence.  "That's for you to tell me... because, I wouldn't know.  You can try as hard as you want, but you have to learn your lesson!"  It was like Wally had disappeared and the whole situation was between the Joker and Robin as opposed to the forces of good and evil.  "I didn't fail them!  You had me tied up!  That's not fair game!"  Robin yelled.  "As much as I love to play games, I never play by the rules!  That's a sick joke!  But you know what isn't?  The fact that you couldn't save those people.  If you really didn't fail them, then why do you feel the guilt?"  Robin began to breathe deeply as the Joker's words got to him once again.  "I know the way this works.  And so do you.  There is only one reason as to why you came.  Why you've been coming all along.  Now that you've disappointed the people of Gotham, you feel as though you have to save every single person that crosses my path.  You know just how reckless I am.  And you also know, that I can't be stopped.  So why on earth would you waste your time trying to fulfill a lie that you can't even pretend is a truth?  It's just not possible... you know it, I know it, everyone in Gotham knows it... even though they don't accept it.  You failed."  The Joker pulled a remote out of his pocket and wiggled it in the air.  "And you're about to fail again."  He clicked the button and threw the device to the floor so Robin couldn't stop the detonation. 

Wally stood there in shock trying to process everything that he heard.  He finally understood why Robin was acting the way he was, but only because the Joker had influenced him to?  The Joker opened the door to one of the offices revealing a few citizens.  "Kid Flash run them out of the building, I'll search for more."  Before Robin went on a hunt to look for others he stopped in front of the Joker.  "You're psycho.  One day you're going to regret this..."  He said through his clenching teeth.  The Joker just looked at the younger boy entertained.  He put the blade against his own cheek as he began to think.  Then his arms returned back to his sides as he spoke.  "Regret this?  You can't be serious kid.  Take this little lesson to heart.  You should never regret anything because at one point it was exactly what you wanted."  Robin clenched his fists.  "You're a monster..."  He started.  "Is that supposed to be offensive?"  The Joker laughed.  "Why should I apologize for the monster I've become, when nobody has ever apologized for making me this way?"  He shrugged and then turned around as he continued.  "I would get to work... you don't have much time!"  He said as began to walk down the next flight of stairs.  Robin would of gone after him but there was a strong possibility that there were others on the premise.  He soon ran into Wally who was still trying to evacuate the civilians from the office.  "You keep doing that Kid Flash I need to search for more."  He demanded.  Wally looked over at the time bomb that was rapidly decreasing.  "Robin no, you are to stay and help me with this or get out.  There no one else in the building."  Wally tried.  "No!  With the Joker things aren't this easy.  There has to be more."  Robin yelled.  Wally picked up the last civilian that was in the room and threw him over his shoulder.  "Do you see how much time is left?  You're crazy!  Come with me now or you're not going to make it."  Wally commanded.  "I'm afraid I can't do that." 

Robin turned around and began to sprint as Wally watched.  Kid Flash was about to go after him when he realized he was carrying someone else.  'I'll come back for him.'  He thought to himself as he rushed the man out of the building.  He placed the civilian far away from the structure and kept counting down in his head as he worked against time to go in and get Robin.  And the closer he got to the building the more he realized he wouldn't make it even at top speed.  He prayed that Robin already left and was on the other side of town.  He then began to back away as the time in his head became single digits.  Fingers crossed, he waited, and just like that a black starry night was filled with fire and gray smoke.  The ambulance and police soon made their way over and began to tame the fire while aiding the civilians that were carried out by Kid Flash.  Wally then asked if he could search the building for his partner, and they let him in for all the help he had given.  He walked around the destroyed building listening to see if he could hear Robin screaming.  But it was silent.  Dead silent. 


Good? Bad?  You tell me.  I love getting input. 

So the next part will be posted Thursday unless I get to 1,000 views before then.  Thanks again:)

[IN THE END] - DICK GRAYSON - YOUNG JUSTICEWhere stories live. Discover now