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Okay so I've finally gotten this part to where I want it, so I can actually post it now!  Without further or do, here is Chapter 26C :)  Comment and keep reading!


Richard swirled his spoon in the bowl of cereal that sat before him.  He looked up to Bruce, who had a paranoid glace.  It had been like this for the past two months, since their falling out that is.  Though they never spoke, they often traded glimpses.  And each time it was the same.  Richard either had a short smirk on his face, or no expression at all, while Bruce's face was constantly filled with fear. 

Richard scooped up more cereal shoving it in his mouth, still watching Bruce.  He continued to chew, dangling his spoon as he swallowed.  He took a deep breath as he began to speak.  "Why do you look so freaked out?"  It was a question he had been dying to ask.  "Well..."  Richard could hear the panic in his voice.  He quietly chuckled under his breath. 

" You should never be afraid... Fear is the root of all evil..."  His smirk grew.  He loved using Bruce's words against him.  "Don't you remember?  After all you did reinforce that rule for the first month I was on patrol."   Bruce rolled his eyes, his lips tightening.  "I don't fear you.  You just have me paranoid."  Richard's head fell as he laughed.

"Ever heard of a synonym... Let me tell you something."  Bruce moved his chair back.  "Richard I don't want to hear it.  I know I screwed up... More than, and I'm sorry okay... I'm really-"  Richard squeezed the bridge of his nose in frustration.  "It's fine."  He tried to make it sound sincere.  "You mean you're not angry with me?"  Bruce almost sounded excited.  Yet there was still a hint of uncertainly in his tone.  "I'm sick of being angry.  I'm tired of waking up each day because I'm mad about something else."  Richard said plainly.  He stood up pouring out his full bowl of cereal in the sink.  He immediately walked out to go into the main room, leaving Bruce broken.

A few minutes later Alfred walked in, to find Richard sitting on the couch.   "I'm surprised you're not in hiding after that..."  Alfred said thinking back to the teen's previous ways of coping.  "I should of been quarantined a long time ago...  It's too late now."  Alfred brows inched closer together.  "What do you mean master Richard?"  Richard shuffled on the couch, trying to get more comfortable.  "I am plagued with lies.  Bruce's lies that is.  I should of seen it coming, with all the clues that had been dropped.  All the symptoms I was suffering from.  Now I know though.  It's just too late.  The problem... It can't be fixed.  I will suffer from this epidemic forever.  There is no point in hiding.  You know it, I know it, even he knows it.  So why I should I spend the rest of my life in a box hiding?"

It was hard for Alfred not to smile.  He had grown up since the last time he had issues with Bruce.  He was acting so much more mature.  Much different.  Yet it was too different.  It was as if he didn't care.  He was showing absolutely no signs of being mad, or hurt by Bruce's recent actions.  And that truthfully worried Alfred.  What if Richard had been saving his sorrow for times in which he was alone, doing things that could hurt him even more.  He was overjoyed that Richard wasn't angry, but he was truly scared for him.  He felt as though the whole situation had scarred him.  And that he would never be the same.  Richard sat in the awkward silence, observing Alfred's expressions.

"I know you are concerned Alf.  But sometimes, you just have to lie... Tell yourself it's going to be alright.  And those self talks, whatever you tell yourself, you believe.  Don't worry about me.  I've accepted the fact that this has become my reality.  But has he?"  Richard paused for a second, eying Alfred's expression.  "Have you...?"  His tone was sharp.  Alfred just stared back at him pondering the question.  And finally he realized that he hadn't.

He walked out of the room, stumbling into the kitchen, may things on his mind.  His eyes searched for Bruce to soon find himself in front of him.  "Do you have any idea what you have done to him?  Any idea?"  Alfred was trying his best not to yell.  For Richard was still in the other room.  "I know Alfred I fucked up."  Alfred shook his head.  "Do not speak to me like that.  This is your bloody fault.  Yours.  Not mine.  I would tell you to clean it up, but you've 'fucked up' so bad that you would make things worse.  How could you betray him like that?  Betray me?  You wanted to make things right.  And look what you've done!"  It was the first time Alfred had really expressed his feelings towards the subject.  He too had given Bruce the silent treatment. 

"I get it Alf... I-"  Alfred interrupted him slamming down the tray he was holding.  "NO YOU DON'T!  I can't handle your shit anymore master Wayne.  It's come to a point where I don't even know what to say.  I can't help you fix it this time.  One because it is impossible, and two because I am choosing not to... Remember that other job I was telling you before?  How it shifted to me taking care of you?  You can bloody forget about it.  I am done looking after you.  I will clean this manor and that's it.  Don't come to me for help anymore.  I've run out of answers."  He then marched out of the kitchen and up to his room, trying to calm down.  Bruce had never seen Alfred so angry in his life.  And it truly scared him.  

The next day Alfred walked around the manor, trying to locate Richard.  He found him where he was the previous day, sitting on the couch relaxing.  He came into Richard's line of view coughing to get his attention.  The teen looked up, his smile shifting to a look filled with concern as he saw Alfred's face.  "What happened Alf?"  He asked sitting up.  Alfred mimicked his whispering tone.  "Please master Richard save yourself.  You've been eighteen for a month now.  Why wait any longer?  You should go now.  Yes I'll be upset that you're gone, but you don't deserve this."  Richard gave him a quick grin, though he soon took a deep breath. 

"I can't right now Alfred.  I have to do one thing before I go.  I need to finish up here before I can just move on."  Perplexity surfaced on Alfred's face.  "What must you finish?"  Alfred wondered aloud.  "I missed a solid six months of school, but due to being ahead so many years in math, I still have the credits to graduate this May... I was chosen to give the speech."  Alfred's lips inched upwards, leaning down to give him a hug.  "Congratulations master Richard..."  Then a realization struck.  "But May is a month away."  Richard laughed.  "I've been living with him for years.  What is one more month going to do?  It's not like he's got anymore secrets up his sleeve anyway."  Alfred shrugged his shoulders, understanding where he was coming from.  "Can you grab a fan please?  It's so hot in here."  Richard asked changing the subject.  "Hey... what did we talk about?  You can't do this.  It will get worse.  Stop letting your body fool you."  Richard shook his head in understanding.  "Fine." 

Later on Alfred was walking along the hallways in which the bedrooms were located.  He stopped short when he heard Bruce on the phone.  "No, that is physically impossible.  How could you not know sooner?"  He couldn't hear anything for a few seconds.  "So this just randomly came up?  What kind of tests did you perform?  It doesn't take two months in this day and age to find out information like this!"  He was shouting, filled with an abundant amount anger.  And then suddenly his tone went weak.  "Yes I will let him know.  Okay I will tell him to bundle up even more.  No it's fine I will tell him."  Alfred raised his eyebrow.  'Would he actually tell him?'  He wondered.  He then heard a loud beep, followed by the sound of a body hitting the mattress.  He pressed his ear to the door curious to know if that was all he had to say.  But that was it.  Alfred stood there in shock trying to process.  'What could be going on now?'



I hope it was worth the wait!  If you think it was, leave a comment down below to tell me how you feel!

IMPORTANT : So chapter 27 is the last official chapter, and it will be divided into three parts as always... However chapter 27 IS NOT THE ENDING OF THE STORY!!!  If you want the conclusion to this book, there will be an epilouge labeled "In The End"


Well, thanks again!  Y'all are awesome :)

[IN THE END] - DICK GRAYSON - YOUNG JUSTICEWhere stories live. Discover now