"look y/n, i'm really sorry that he was an asshole."

"is," i correct her.

"right, is an asshole, and i'm sorry that you have to go though this right now, but i think i should tell you this." iris lowers her head,

"i was the one he cheated on you with."


how the fuck was i supposed to react to that. my heart said one thing, but my voice said another.

"get out," i whisper.

"please. let me explain," iris begins, standing up.

"no. i don't need one. get the fuck out of my house," my voice raises, starring her dead in the eyes.

iris nods, surrendering to a fight that she knew i would win.

i watched as her baby pink flats stomped across my room and out of my door, slamming it on the way out.

another heartbreak.

i just lost my best friend.

after my four hour recovery nap to realize what just happened, the tears began to fall again.

through my blurred vision i saw that my clock read 7 p.m.

a "clear my head" drive couldn't hurt right about now. i shake away my feelings of sorrow, and decide this drive would be a great time to boost my mood.

i drag myself out of my warm bed and slipped on some sneakers. i grab my keys from my dresser, and walked downstairs.

"i'm going out for a drive," i announce to my parents, they nod and i bolt for my car.

once i'm alone again, i hook up my phone to my car and start blasting my favorite songs. of course don't let me down by electric light orchestra plays first.

i tap my fingers to the beat as i pull out of my driveway. i crank the volume to 30 and belt the words. feeling the breeze through your hair and listening to your favorite song is one of the best feelings ever.

i lower the volume slightly at a stop light, not wanting odd stares from the cars next to me. but it so happens that my all time favorite wallows song starts playing. i guess the people next to me are in for quite the show, too bad the light turns green.

"DO YOU REMEMBER WHEN WE FELT LIKE THE ONLY TWO ALIVE," i literally scream. i see the light turn red ahead of me, i don't give a shit what the person across from me thinks.

i come to a stop, and continue to sing the words like there is no tomorrow. through the corner of my eye i see a few teenage boys giggling in the car next to me.

i roll down my other window, and begin singing even louder. i make eye contact with one of the boys, but unfortunately the light turns green, and we off on our separate ways.

i find myself driving towards the beach that wasn't that far from my house. i pull into a parking spot, grabbing a convenient bag of potato chips and blanket from my back seat. i lock up my car, and find a nice place by the large rocks to sit and watch the sunset.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2020 ⏰

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