Part 2: August 2011

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But Ethan and Mark believed in it, the real story, not the kid's tale. Friends from a young age, together they formed a club, though the kids at school always called it a cult.

Called Unus Annus

One year

To prepare for the inevitable, whatever it was in the future.

Mark, Ethan, and Seán have been close friends since the second grade.

Their little club, Unus Annus thrives as the three of them continue to grow and learn more about the insanity the future holds, while also facing the criticisms of peers, their families, and the usual middle school struggles. 

Middle school isn't easy for anyone no matter who you are or where you're from, nobody wins. So it doesn't hurt to cherish the good moments.

Friends stay close and enemies won't shut up.

But this just the second part.

there's still 9 years between them and 2020

The clock is ticking, will you stick around to see what happens

In the infamous


We'll see you tomorrow

Unus Annus

(A/N  Hello again!  Welcome to Part 2! Everything I said in my 1st authors note for part 1 still applies here and I must add that any implied or actual shipping in this story is all for goofs and gaffs, and does not reflect them irl just a fun time for the sake of the fact everything here is entirely fictional. IRL they all have beautiful girlfriends who suit them wonderfully and I think that's amazing so obviously leave them all alone about ships irl.  But this is fanfiction so let's just have a good time  :)  So please, sit back and enjoy the story! Check the warnings below ~RpBi)

Tl:DR: Bolded parts


If the following bother you, skip tomorrow's chapter, and probably stop reading, please for your own health because things only escalate in future chapters, this is nothing in comparison. 

- Nerf Guns (shortened to guns sometimes)


- Homophobia in general (I will not be caught using the F word, T-word, or D word, I do not like to even write them in for a character, but name-calling and homophobia be here.)

- Spiders (This is a one time deal.  Though I'll let you know if it shows up again, it's not gonna be common, y'all can keep reading. I'll leave ****** line for y'all so keep your eyes peeled )

- Pineapples on pizza (I know this one is the worst I am so sorry)

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