PART 1: August 2007

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Unus Annus

2020 would be the year where everything that could go wrong, would go wrong.

Kind of ironic, the number seemed so hopeful, full of vision and preparation for the future.

Most people didn't believe it, 2012 was fine and that was predicted to be a disaster as well. Why should 2020 be any different? It was a tale to keep kids in school with promises of fantastic futures and potential.

But Ethan and Mark believed in it, the real story, not the kid's tale. 

Mark and Ethan grew up together in a small area in California, 

 Inspired by the horror story predictions of 2020, they made a little club called Unus Annus to prepare for the future.

They meet new friends and enemies along the way while facing the challenges 2nd grade has to offer

But that's just the first part. 

there's still 13 years between them and 2020

The clock is ticking, will you stick around to see what happens

In the infamous


(A/N:  Hi welcome to this story! There's a lot of terrible things happening in the real 2020, this is not about real life, obviously, stay inside and wear your masks, BLM, LGBT rights, and stay in school kids, this is just me using the year since it's already cursed to begin with,  none of this is meant to be related to real-life in any way other than the characters I am using who belong to themselves and any references I use belong to them ofc while this story belongs to me Stay safe out there and enjoy this mess! ~RpBi)

(TL:DR: the bolded parts)

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