Saving Lauren

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"You never where cut out for a leader" Roger said as he jumped down from a platform landing on his feet making his way to Cole

"Shut up Roger I'll give you her if you give me the password" Cole spat out Roger stood in front of Cole not impressed

"You're not my son any more" Roger spat out in disgust Cole loosens his hold on Lauren after hearing that Lauren try's to get away but he just pulls her hair and keeps her in his arms putting the knife up to her throat again

"Here" Camila turned to Matthew who whispered to her holding his gun out for her to take Camila nodded in thanks before taking the gun and creeping her way closer to Roger and Cole

"I'm gonna kill her!" Cole shouted glaring at Roger

Camila creeped her way behind Cole bringing her gun up

"No you're not" Camila growled out putting a gun at the base of Coles head

Cole let go of Lauren who ran and hid behind behind Shawn who was closest to them

"You're done Cole" Roger scowled as he backed up

"Bye bye asswhole" You could almost hear the smirk in Camila voice

Lauren screamed as Camila shot Cole Shawn winced at her scream as Cole fell forward making dust fly up as he touched the ground

"You know I'm here" The man who hit Cole groaned turns out he was shot in the arm and on the ground by Coles dead body

"Oh right I'll help you up" Austin grabbed the mans good arm and boosted him up onto his feet

"Thanks for moving the gun but never put a bag over my girls head again" Camila growled at the man said man put his good arm in the air in surrender

"I won't I promise I regret ever going into his gang I'm Greyson Chance by the way" The man introduces himself

"How old are you Greyson?" Roger asked with a small smile

"I'm 22 sir" Greyson groaned as his bad arm moved too much on his side

"Uh look at that the same age as Austin help him Austin" Roger grinned as said boy snapped out of his trance wiping away the drool that fell as he stared at the injured man Roger has been trying to get Austin someone since his ex girlfriend cheated on him with his old best friend

It hurt him badly since he was getting over Camila with his girlfriend at the time then two months into their relationship she cheats on him with his best friend who was younger than them both 

"Right" Austin stepped up to Greyson taking his bad arm softly to not hurt it anymore

"Hold it this angle so it won't hurt as bad" Austin instructed as Camila ran up to Lauren

"Are you hurt" Camila asked looked all over Lauren's body trying to see if anything was hurt

"Im fine but..I'm you're girl now huh?"Lauren smirked at Camila's blushing cheeks

"If you don't like that I'm sorry" Lauren rolled her eyes at Camila's words and kissed her deeply with love and passion

"You know you are right I am yours" Lauren grinned at Camila's dazed look

"And I'm yours" Camila replied flinging her arm over Lauren's shoulder making their way over to Roger and the boys

"So what gonna happen now?" Camila asked

"Well I'll call some guys up to help get Coles and the guards body's out of here and we get out of here as well" Roger turned and made his way out the door of the warehouse

They all followed after Roger making their ways to their cars or in Camila's case motorcycle

"Get on" Camila patted her motorcycle Lauren did what she was told getting on the motorcycle

"You sit in the back" Austin pointed to the back seat of his red doge charger

"What why" Shawn threw his arms up

"Because Greysons sitting in the front now go" Austin sounded like a mom scolding her kid Shawn was acting like one as he pouted and got the back everyone chuckled as Austin and Greyson got in the car

Harry and Matthew got in Harrys 1968 rusted blue Pontiac GTO

"Hey Roger!" Camila yelled as she got on her motorcycle putting her glasses on while Lauren put Camila's helmet on

"Yes!" Roger rolled down his window

"What was Cole talking about?" Roger grinned at Camila question

"I'll tell you one day" Roger winked before pulling out and driving away

" bastard" Camila chuckled before backing up and following Roger while the boys followed

[Whats up tell me what you think and don't forget to vote!]

(Also I loved writing this chapter lol)

A Change Of Heart (Camren AU)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu