"Your Boyfriend Is A Loser"

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Camila walked the halls with such confidence that people wished they had and people stared a lot Camila so happened to love that but the one pair of eyes she wished was looking at her never did

Lauren never really seemed to care when Camila walked the halls she was to in grossed with her boyfriend Brad the captain of the football team to even notice Camila

Camila hated Brad for stealing the chance she could've got with Lauren so Camila became the captain of the Soccer team the one thing bigger than Football in their town just to show that she was better than him but Soccer turned from a thing to get back at someone to being the only thing that helped Camila get things off her mind

"Hey Princess" Camila winked at Lauren as she passed Lauren and Brad Lauren rolled her eyes as Brad clenched his jaw

Every time Camila calls Lauren princess Brad gets a little more angry and this time was the final time

"Really bro" Brad stopped Camila by grabbing Her forearm which quickly turned Camilas smirk into a grimace of disgust

"Get your hand off me" Camila growled Brad let his hand drop down to his side which quickly turned into a fist

"Stop calling my girl princess" Brad clenched his jaw and puffed out his chest trying to seem more threatening which he wasn't

A crowd was quickly formed around Camila and Brad

"I'm gonna call her whatever I want" Camila growled again as Brad stepped closer

"She's mine not yours I know that your in-" Camila's fist collided with Brads face before he could get his last words out

Brad went staggering back he soon composed himself before running at Camila said girl swiftly moved out of the way so Brad fell down to the ground

Camila grabbed Brads shirt dragging him up and slamming him into the locker ignoring Lauren's shouts to stop

"Hey!" The principal Mr.Cowell rushes through the crowd pulling Camila's fist away stopping her from punching Brad for the fifth time in the face or worse down there

"My office now!" Brad groaned and started walking with Mr.Cowell Lauren quickly grabbed Camila's wrist making her turn

"Why'd you hit him!" Lauren whisper yelled at Camila who rolled her eyes

"You know he's a great person he just gets jealous sometimes hell I would too!" Lauren threw up her arms Camilas scowl softens a little but it was gone quickly

Camila got so close to Lauren that said girl could feel Camila's breath on her lips

"𝑌𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝐵𝑜𝑦𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑑 𝐼𝑠 𝐴 𝐿𝑜𝑠𝑒𝑟" Camila whispered before turning and walking away Lauren closed her eyes and took deep breaths to keep herself from yelling at the girl.

[hey I would love to know what you think of the book so let me know and don't forget to vote!!]

A Change Of Heart (Camren AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora