Date Night

791 22 20

Who knew writing two books that have massive following at the same time could be so easy (note the sarcasm)

"You look stunning" Cole grinned as he sees Lauren walking down the stairs in a dark red dress that showed off all her beautiful curves Lauren and Normani picked out the dress while Lucy was going on about how Camila is so hot and that Lauren should definitely get with her the usual Lucy things

"You look handsome" Lauren looked over Coles black suit that looked like it was made for the rich

"We should get going darling before you're dad murders me with a axe" Cole whispered the last part into Lauren's ear said girl laughed and waved her father off who was glaring Cole down with a scowl on his face

"I'll be fine papa I love you" Lauren reassured her father said man was a little less tense after

"I'll be back before midnight love you mamá" Lauren kissed her mother on the cheek and went back to Cole who smiled at both parents before leading the way out the door to his black SUV

"Holy Shit" Lauren breathed out frozen in place Cole laughed and tugged Lauren towards the car

Once Cole and Lauren got in the car they drove off on their way to the restaurant

Camila sighed as she sees them pull out and drive away she didn't get a good vibe from this Cole dude

Camila jumped up and grabbed her shoes making her way down the stairs

She jumped onto her bike and followed Cole and Lauren Camila knew it was wrong but she didn't trust Cole and he seemed oddly familiar

Cole and Lauren joked and laughed the whole way to the restaurant that Cole has reserved just for them so they can be alone

"This is beautiful" Lauren took a look around Cole walked up to her and took her hand leading the way to the table

Camila turned the corner and slow'd down checking the area she saw movement behind a tree thinking's it's a animal she drove off getting closer to Lauren and Cole

As she got closer she could see Cole taking Lauren's hand and kissing it through the window Camila clenched her jaw and slowly started to drive off

Once Camila circled around she saw more movement then she realized it was a person a person with a pistol in their hand and many knives strapped to their legs

"Roger?" Camila whispered dumbfounded Roger was a leader of a gang that Camila was let's just say friendly with

"Camila get over here now or our cover is blown" Roger hissed waving her over Camila turned her bike around and drove off parking it on the corner

Once she made it to Roger behind the tree the man gave her a pistol he had just in case and a knife from his leg

"There's guards everywhere at this place" Roger grunts as he scanned the area

"Why?" Camila asked looking up top of the restaurant and not to her surprise she saw two men with huge guns walking back and forth patrolling

shit they must of seen my motorcycle at least I had my helmet on Camila thought

"His names Richard Colson Baker he goes by Cole or Machine Gun Kelly I used to work with him then....something happened...and he hated me for it so he created his own gang and has been planing to destroy me ever since" Roger explained as he watched the guards on the left side of the building

"He saw me with Lauren at the race" Camila realized getting more angry by the minute

"It's a trap he's using Lauren to get closer to you because you're close with me" Roger moved slightly more forward Camila clenched her jaw as she sees Cole take Lauren's hand but her features soften as she sees Lauren laughing with a cute smile on her face Camila wished she got to Lauren before Cole or Brad

"How old is he" Camila asked as she watched the waitress set their food down

"19" Camila went wide eye'd at Rogers answer she thought he was twenty something

"What do we do now?" Camila sat down in the grass in a criss cross motion

"We just wait" Roger answered he goes to turn and doesn't see Camila there he then looked down and had a unimpressed look on his face

"Are you really sitting down right now?" Roger raised his eyebrow

"What my legs started hurting!" Camila threw her arms up in protest Roger chuckled and shook his head at Camila's childish acts

"Why are you here?" Camila asked

"I saw one of Coles men watching Lauren and you I've been following Cole around trying to see what he's up to" Roger quickly but quietly moved out of the way as a guard looks over to where Roger just was

"Are you alone?" Camila asked trying to see if any other members of Rogers gang where there

"No Austin and Shawn are over there" Camila winced at those names as Roger pointed to the left of them when Camila was just getting to know the gang she got both Austin and Shawn to fall for her she didn't mean to but she played them they ended on good terms though

"And Matthew is with Harry to the right of us" Camila once again winced but this time at Matthew she kneed him in the balls the last time they talked because he called her a slut

"Nice you got the three guys here that I'm awkward with great going Roger" Camila threw her hands up

"I-oh-I-I didn't-" Roger was cut off from Camila's chuckle

"It's weird seeing you stutter and I was joking" Camila patted Rogers back said man shrugged her hand off rolling his eyes

"Hey boss there leaving the restaurant" Roger turned at Shawns voice in his ear and Shawn was right Cole and Lauren where walking out of the restaurant talking

"I had a lovely time with you Lauren" Cole had a sweet small smile on his face as he took Lauren's hand in his for the Lauren lost count time

"Me too" Lauren blushed

"But I'm sorry I have to do this" Cole let go of Lauren's hands and the small smile was replaced with a hard look

"Wait wha-" Lauren was cut off as a bag went over her head from behind

Lauren managed to get a hard hit on Cole making his nose bleed

"Bitch" Cole muttered shaking head as he wiped the blood from his nose right at that moment Camila Roger and his boys raced up

As they started to shoot the guards Cole ran and got into the SUV while the man with the bag over Lauren's head just barley dogged Camila's bullet in the arm jumped into the car

Camila cursed as she sees them drive off she turned and ran for her bike ignoring Rogers yells for her not to go and driving off following the car once again

"Fuck now I got to chase after her" Roger growled as he ran to his black Doge Charger with his boys behind him

"Follow us" Roger growled as he got in his car racing off to follow Camila and Cole

[Hey! Tell me what you think of the chapter also we getting into some dangerous stuff 😎😏 lol]

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