||Always Happy to be with You|| [✓]

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I sit here and wonder if you'll ever understand just how much of me belongs to you. - Author Unknown

Make You Feel My Love- Adele


I can see it in her eyes, as if everything was just a dream and any second now she'll wake up

"So the fair's tomorrow, we're going right?" Jeffery asked as we sat at our usual table at lunch.

"Of course." Melanie said taking a bite of her sandwich.

"You're going right? Christopher." Alice asked noticing my gazed out look.

"Huh. Oh uh yea?"

"Why do you call him by his full name? Just call him Chris."

"He doesn't like being called that. Shouldn't you know, you're his best friend." She said


"You excited?" I asked Erinn, as she sat there quietly, staring off to nowhere.

"Yea sure I guess. I mean I get to spend time with you guys." She said her voice cracking a bit at the end, trying to pull off a small smile.

"That's the spirit." Jeffery said not noticing her tone. " not 'huh. oh uh yea?' " he said trying to mimic my voice.

"Why'd you make your voice go higher." I asked, a little offended.

"I don't know, my voice is deeper?" He shrugged.

"So anyways, you guys want to come over to my house?" I asked

"Can't were going out." Alice said wrapping her arm around Jeffery's. That could be us.

"Me either." Melanie said. " I've got volleyball practice."

"Erinn?" I asked turning to look at her.

"I guess, I've got nothing better to do." she shrugged. Spending the day, just me and her.

"Cool." I grinned.


"Hey." Jeffery came and took the seat next to me in physics.


"We need to talk."

"What's up?"

"Apparently, girls." The first thing that came to mind was Erinn.

"What do you mean." I asked slightly confused as to what he wanted to say about it.

"Don't be so oblivious." he said rolling his eyes.

"It's not me who's being oblivious, it's her."

"You can't put all the blame on Erinn." Even Jeffery knows. And she doesn't. I sighed and slowly nodded my head.

"You have to tell her."

"I know, I am."

"Tell her today when she comes over, you guys will be alone."

"No. It has to be perfect." I paused as Jeffery just looked at me. " I'm going to tell her tomorrow, at the carnival. On top of the ferris wheel." I began to think about how I'll tell her, and how she'll react. It'll be perfect.

"Man...you're in way deep." Jeffery said turning to face the board, where the teacher began to speak.

"Yea. I know."


This has to be the best day ever.

Erinn sat on the sofa, with her legs crossed.

"You want anything to eat?" My mom asked her.

"No thank you I'm fine." she smiled lightly.

I'd kill just to see a real smile on her face.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" I asked taking a seat next to her.

"Sure." she shrugged. I stood up again and went over to a shelf of movies besides the tv.

"What movie?"

"It doesn't matter."

"Just pick" I said turning to look at her. She slowly sat up and came over next to me. After scanning through all the movies, she picked one out.

"The Maze Runner. It's your favorite isn't it?" I grinned at her as I put the movie on.

"I guess." Why don't you talk to me.


After the movie was over we sat there quietly for awhile.

"Erinn?" I asked turning to look at her, as she stared blankly at the credits.


"Are you okay?"


"Are you sure?"


"We've known each other for awhile." I stated.


"You know you can tell me anything right."

"Yea." she said finally turning to look at me.

"Then why don't you talk to me."

"I'm talking to you right now." she said with a questioning look on her face.

"I mean why don't you ever talk about the things people say at school, I know it bothers you." I said frowning a bit.

"I'm fine really, that stuff doesn't bother me." A buzzing noise came from Erinn's pocket, as she took out her phone. She looked at it for awhile before standing up.

"I have to go." she said heading to the door. Before she could close the door I stopped her and grabbed her wrist lightly.

"Just know that I'm here for you, if you need to talk. About anything." she stared at me for awhile before silently nodding.

"Here." I said handing her a case. "I don't really watch it unless you're here so you can have it." she looked down to the cover of her favorite movie.

"Thank you." she smiled. She walked down the steps and into her car. I stood there and watched her slowly disappear out of sight, out of reach.

Scratch that. This was not the best day ever. The best day ever was when I first met Erinn. When I realized I loved her.

No not even that.

The best day of my life will be when I ask Erinn to be mine and she says yes. When she walks down the aisle. When we have kids. When we watch them slowly grow into beautiful people. When we slowly grow old together. When we die together knowing that our memories will still be alive.


Thank You, My Pooh Bear [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now