It wasn't like Emily or Sam had minded especially with how often the pack was over. And with that thought in mind, Emily had tossed her a newspaper with the job opening highlighted. The fifties themed restaurant, Moonstruck Diner, was just off the rez and in dire need of a waitress. Who was a better fit for the position than Harper? Probably a lot of people, but Harper was desperate for something to do. That was her excuse for Emily as she bounded out of her room that Friday after school to pick up an application and maybe a milkshake with Paul trailing after her.

Harper had been in La Push for almost a week and she could already feel that sandbag of pressure lift off of her bit by bit. She had Sage who had always offered to hang out after school to go to some local cafe on the rez to study. The two growing closer through the study sessions which had quickly turned into Harper helping Sage with her math homework and Sage helping Harper with her Quillayute. Or they would somehow both abandon the homework to explore First Beach, which as Harper had predicted, was freezing cold. She also had struck up a friendship with Kim, the two bonding over a couple of book series they were obsessed with.

Everything was great! Everything except for the fact that Harper couldn't go anywhere without being in the company of Jared and Paul. She hadn't had any chances to go into the woods and look for any more proof of the mega-wolves, as she had dubbed them. Harper had been waiting for Saturday to come with the excuse that she and Embry would not be productive with Paul or Jared there. It was a completely palpable lie as well given the seething glares to her lunch table she caught coming from the boy and his friends, Quil and Jacob. She practically had most of the research for the project done anyway and was using Embry as an excuse to go looking through the woods for some pack animals. 

The bell dinged as Harper and her bodyguard entered into Moonstruck Diner. The floor was a black and white checkered print. The walls were pale pink, almost white, and were covered in random license plates and street signs. They were all so immaculately clean that Harper assumed they were new until she caught a date in one of them reading 1948. There were various brand signs hanging as well, mostly Coca Cola. Neon lights traced the perimeter of the walls, illuminating everything even though it was still light out. The seats and tables were both chrome while the seat covers and tabletops were the same minty baby blue that the waitresses wore.

Paul hummed appreciatively as he looked at the short blue and white uniform the waitresses were wearing. Harper in the span of a week had also learned that Paul was the biggest flirt she had ever met. She was also grateful he had decided to put on a shirt and jacket with their little expedition when she saw how one of them was looking at Paul. Although she was sure he enjoyed the attention he received from them.

The girl rolled her black eyes and walked up to the counter where a boy about her age was wiping it clean. He had deep brown, almost black hair that was swooped up in a quiff and eyes the same color. She assumed he was probably from Forks as he looked very white. He brought his head up and smirked lightly before seemingly remembering that he was working. In a word, he reeked of boyish charm as he gave her a smile showing off a row of perfectly white teeth and a dimple. He wore a white button-up shirt, a white apron, and a black bow tie along with a cap. She could spy a gold chain peeking out from his collar.

"Hi, what can I do for you?" He asked politely. Harper decided that he had to be using a customer service voice. It was bright and almost too kind. Nevertheless, she smiled and opened her mouth to answer when she had been so rudely interrupted by the older boy next to her.

"She was wondering about the application," Paul answered bluntly, crossing his arms and scowling at the younger boy. Harper snapped to him and scowled back before turning to the boy who nodded, his smile never dimming.

"Let me get it from the back," he said, turning around and leaving. He turned back and looked at Harper, shooting her another smile and a wink.

As soon as he was out of sight Harper slapped Paul's arm. "You are unbelievable," she hissed out. "And I thought we were going to get milkshakes too." The first cute guy she sees that she knows will not know her for her reputation of being a massive nerd that she had already got from being in La Push and Paul was scaring him off.

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