21 | All The Rumours

Start from the beginning

By now, her shouting had drawn a crowd, eager rogues looking for entertainment. They began cheering as they squeezed into the hallway. For whom, she could only guess. Only moments ago they were praising her for beating Bax, the undefeated arm wrestler. Now, they probably couldn't wait to see her lose the struggle at the cruel hands of the infamous Silver Rogue. They would all revere him as he added one more notch to his belt, one more Alpha kill to his tally. Just like his father had done.

"Come o--!"

Her words were swallowed as Zion crushed his lips to hers, her back pressed firmly against the wall as his body molded to hers. The heat of his kiss sent waves of revulsion through her core before a shiver of excitement echoed in response. Her mouth opened for more, her tongue tasting like strong alcohol as it fought with his for dominance over their kiss. Finally tugging her wrists free from his grip, she slid her hands into his hair and yanked his head back.

"Don't think you can kill me with your passionate kisses. I'd rather you just slit my throat!" she practically screamed into his face, her body squirming to slide away from him.

With blazing eyes, Zion leaned in even further and whispered against the shell of her ear, "Are you always this dramatic?" Then his lips found hers again, cutting short her scathing reply.

"Mmm, mmm!" She tried cursing him, but the seal of his lips made it impossible. Her hands came up to his throat and she applied as much pressure as she dared. Looking down at his neck, she was astounded her claws hadn't broken the skin. If he were a regular rogue, there'd be blood running down his skin and staining her own clothes. The fact of his impervious nature served to freak her out more, and she struggled with everything she had.

It was pretty clear how useless her attempts were, though. The rogue was far more powerful than her, far more deadly. If she were a cunning spider who weaved tangled webs around her enemies to protect her territory, then he was a lethal scorpion that cut right through her defenses and stung her where it hurt most--her heart.

"Need I remind you where you are, little Alpha?" His whisper was hot on her ear, yet sent cold shivers spiralling through her body. His hand slid up her waist, over her shoulder, and settled on the nape of her neck. The warning in his eyes was clearer than any she'd ever seen.

When his lips tried claiming hers again, she turned her face away. "Why are you doing this to me?"

"It's the only way you'll shut up."

"But I--"

He angled her face forwards and kissed her again, his long fingers wrapped around her neck and making it impossible to move. "Now, are you going to behave?" he breathed against her mouth.

"Are you finally going to be truthful to me?"

"When have I ever lied to you?"

"Every day since we met. You never told me what you'd done. What you're capable of repeating."

"You'd already heard all the rumours. What else was there to say?" he tilted his head, raising an eyebrow as if calling her out on her contradiction.

"I don't know why I ever let you take me from my pack," she hissed, suddenly realising the crowd they'd drawn. Feeling her heart thundering in her chest like a herd of elephants stampeding down mountains, she took a deep breath to calm herself. He was right about one thing; all her theatrics were sure to spell out exactly who she was, and she and Cale would be dead in no time. "You're nothing but a traitor to our kind, and you'll only ever be the sworn enemy of Alphas all over the world," she spat the words in a whisper only he could hear. Meeting his eyes was difficult, mainly because a softness had entered the hazel hues that she envied so much.

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