Chapter 1: From Hollywood to Hollywood

Start from the beginning

"Look girls, we're almost there." My mother smiles, pointing to the gates and the sign reading the name of our new neighborhood. I take a deep breath, looking around at the many different houses that we're now passing. The taxi driver up front, reassures us that it's one safe and pleasant place to live which makes my mother smile.

"This is it, I believe." The taxi driver announces making everyone look quickly to the window, Trina squishing me in the process.

"Wow, this is our new house?" Trina asks in amazement.

"Sure is, kiddo." My father replies making Trina grin even wider. My father is the first one to exit the taxi, being followed by the rest of my family. I sit in the taxi for a moment longer though, not sure if i'm ready for things to keep moving as quickly as they are. It feels as if there's no time to breathe.

"Getting out sweetheart?" The taxi driver questions as he places a new cigarette in between his lips, his eyebrows raising as I stare at him with no response. I swallow and take another deep breath before exiting the taxi, stumbling onto the hot pavement. I walk up towards my family slowly, who all stand and stare at the house.

"What do you girls think? Isn't it wonderful?" My dad asks Trina and I, placing his arms around our shoulders. I stare at the house in front of me, with my mouth slightly ajar.

"It's amazing daddy!" Trina screeches before running towards the door with a suitcase rolling behind her.

"This place is huge." I whisper feeling amazed that I get to live here, this house is huge compared to my house in Florida.

"Just wait until you see the inside." My dad smiles with a look of admiration towards the house, pulling me towards the door as well. I hold my pillow close to me as I walk through the door, letting my jaw drop even further looking at the inside of my new living room.

"I'm so proud of you David. This new job is already paying off." My mother smiles, hugging my father. I just stand in one spot, taking in the place I will be living in for the next few years. There's so much space, so much light coming through the giant windows, so much ground to walk on.

My eyes then lock with Trina's, who has begun to squint at me. I raise my eyebrows wondering what is going on in her head, why is she staring at me like that?

She then drops the bags in her arms and runs up the stairs quickly, it takes me a second before I realize what she's doing. I drop my things as well and run up the stairs knowing I'm probably too late, she's probably already beaten me. I avoid the first open door knowing she's already looked in there. I run into the next room, seeing that it's clearly bigger than the first room. Trina stands proudly in the middle of it, her hands on her hips.

"Sorry sis, this room is mine." She smirks, nodding her head in approval for her actions. I sigh knowing I don't want to fight with her, so I walk back to the first room I encountered and go inside. The room isn't bad, it's just a bit smaller than the one Trina has claimed.

I look around and nod in approval thinking it's a lot bigger than my room back in Florida, so there's no need to complain. I look at the blank walls wondering how long it will take before I will have to put my input on the place. These white walls will have to go for sure, a dark purple would make things a lot more my style.

I walk over to the window on the far side wall furthest from the door, I open up the curtains letting the light flood into the room. I frown though when I notice a huge tree in the way, covering up most of the view. I can see our backyard and the freaking tree, but nothing else.

I walk back to Trina's room seeing that she has her window open and is staring admiringly out of it. Of course she get's a beautiful view of Hollywood from her window, all I get is the stupid tree. I huff before walking back downstairs and retrieving my pillow that I had dropped in effort of getting the better room. Trina walks back down the stairs triumphantly, giving me her evil sister smirk.

"Alright guys, the moving truck and movers should be here in ten minutes. Otherwise, look around for a bit. You guys should check out the backyard. It's beautiful." My mother tells Trina and I with a great big smile on her face. Her and my father then make their way up the stairs, no doubt wanting to admire their new room as well.

Trina and I walk to the back door that leads outside, we both walk into our yard with our jaws dropping further down. There's a giant pool and plenty of space filled with very green grass. The view of Hollywood is visible from here as well making it seem like a vacation spot.

"Wow, this place is awesome!" Trina chimes walking around a bit more. I take a few steps here and there, not really moving far from my previous standing place. I do have to admit that this place is pretty amazing. The view from here is gorgeous, the skies are so blue and the grass is so green. I know I will be spending a lot of time out here.

I walk around the house a bit more, seeing every room for myself. The movers do arrive on time, just like my mother claimed. Most of our stuff get's moved in, in just a couple of hours. We order pizza after the movers have left and all of our things are inside the house in their boxes. We enjoy our pizza before getting back to work and starting to unpack. I go to my room and unpack the boxes that I have, putting everything exactly where I want them.

I only get about halfway done before I call it a night, I slip into bed and keep my curtains open even though there isn't much to look at. I can see a few of the stars behind and above the stupid tree, which makes me smile a bit. At least those haven't changed.

I'm not sure if I'll be able to sleep much tonight, i'm not even close to being used to this place yet. I know it will take a great amount of time before I will become comfortable with this whole move.

I should be very happy, people would say that everything is perfect for me right now. My new house is huge and has a freaking pool, i'm meeting up with my best friend tomorrow that I haven't seen in forever, and I get to go to one of the best performing arts schools in the country. There's no need to be depressed at all.

Yet I am, I guess I just don't know how to say goodbye to home yet.

Next Chapter will be posted on Thursday :)

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