• Chapter 1 •

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It's been several months since Jim and I started attending the Interstellar Academy. Jim and I were both top students at the academy. A lot of the time I felt bad about being one of the top students because, well you see. My Aunt Amelia is dean of the Academy now, so people think the only reason i'm doing well is because Amelia favours me.

Jim, on the other hand, is a completely different story. Everybody here loves him including all of the professors. He is an amazing student and I can't fault him for that but lately I've been feeling kind of bad about it. Don't get me wrong I'm happy for him but seeing how well he's doing, along with how many people like him as a person makes me sort of...sad or jealous or both.

Also I used to love Jim's confidence but lately i've felt different. Mostly because instead of just being confident in himself, he seems overly-confident, stuck-up even.

Our relationship was amazing until Jim started acting the way he is now, so for the past few weeks I just haven't been talking to him. It might seem childish to just ignore him but I just, really don't like having to deal with his condescendence.

It was a normal day at the Academy, Amelia brought me and went to her office whilst I went to my locker. I was grabbing my books for my first class of the day, when I heard him coming down the hallway.

"Hey! When have I ever failed. Sure I have different methods to you..." Jim said.

"By different you mean, reckless?" Kate replied.

Did I mention Kate? Well Kate was another girl in Jim and I's year. She was...nice but you know, she was quite close to Jim. He had told me before that they are just friends but lately it's seemed a little more. I know I had been ignoring him, but we never officially broke up or anything, it was just like....a break...

The two were laughing as they came walking down the hall. The laughter stopped when Jim reached his locker, which was two down from mine.

Kate cleared her throat, "Well, uh i'll see you after school Jim." She waved goodbye.

"Yeah, bye." He replied, his mood changing immediately when he caught a glimpse of me.

Unfortunately, well I mean it wasn't so unfortunate at the start of the year, Jim and I were in the same base class. This meant we had nearly all of our classes together, which made it quite hard to avoid him.

"We have um...Navigations first right?" He asked simply.

"Mhm." I nodded, feeling awkward.

That was the end of that conversation, I quickly closed my locker and walked away fast, making my way to the top floor. That's where I had Navigations. I walked into the classroom to see the usual. Ms. Helga was half asleep sitting at her desk, she wasn't exactly the most energetic character. The rest of the students were all at each others desks, chatting to one another.

I found myself a desk that no one was sitting at and sat down. I put my small bag down by the side of the chair and opened up my books. After a minute of so Jim walked into the classroom, down to a seat near some of his friends with a few high-fives and fist bumps from different people along the way.

I sighed as he walked past me, I was the one ignoring him, but that didn't mean I didn't, in some respects, miss him. I was just angry with the way he was acting.

Eventually the bell rang, signifying class was about to start. Everyone began to settle down and go back to their own desks. The bell also woke Ms. Helga from her little nap.

She stood up and spoke, "Good morning class. Everyone quieten down please." Her voice low, and not very bright. She was clearly still extremely tired but to be honest, who could blame her?

She began talking and pointing at the whiteboard. I wasn't paying attention. This class was quite boring anyhow but Ms. Helga's drone voice just didn't help. Even though the class was boring, that wasn't exactly the reason I wasn't paying attention. Ever since I stopped talking to Jim, he was all I could think about. When I did talk to him, I was with him all the time so it wasn't much of a problem.

I was beginning to think about whether it was worse, not talking to him than actually talking to him. I looked over at a very chatty Jim, he was talking to Kate. What's new? He seems very close to her now.

As I was thinking I hadn't realised he was staring right back at me. I blushed and turned my head away, I just stared down at my book. I decided to sneakily look back up at him, it was fine. He was just talking to Kate again. I wish he wouldn't talk to her so much.

I was snapped away from my thoughts by hearing my name, "(Y/n), Could you please just remind us of the two main types of navigation?" Ms. Helga asked. She clearly asked me because she knew I wasn't paying attention.

I knew enough about navigations already so I answered with ease. "Celestial, map and compass, Ms." I replied.

"Hm, well done." She looked at me suspiciously.

She went off again, talking about something else. The day was passing by fairly quickly. I had another class then lunch, which I sat by myself for.

We were sitting in Astronomy, Jim was only one seat away from me. You see he used to be right next to me, in this class because at the start of the year we chose our seats and kept them for the rest of the year.

When I started avoiding him, I asked the girl beside me if we could switch, she immediately agreed, because you know, it's Jim. All the girls are practically in love with him.

The class was reading from the book when the intercom came on.

"Hello students, I do hope you're having a lush day. I would like to see Mr. Jim Hawkins and Ms. (Y/n) (Y/L/n) in my office immediately." It was my Aunt Amelia, speaking over the intercom.

(A/n) The pictures that i'll include at the start of the chapters will be art from the cancelled sequel to Treasure Planet.

The Stolen Ship • Jim Hawkins x Reader (Sequel)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin