Dear Diary... nothing really happened today.

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I sat down in an empty table in the back of the lunch room, I looked around the room for a minute praying that no one will sit with me. It's not that I don't want someone to sit with me. It's just that people makes me nervous and I'm very quiet and also very shy. I hardly talk but it's okay. I think?

I took off my backpack and put it on the other chair next to me, pulling out my favorite purple fuzzy pen and medium sized journal.

It says on it;

Sam's Diary.

It's where I write my feelings and what I'm going through I have over 200 journals in my room, I started doing this in the 2nd grade. The first journal, I would write about my hamster, and his death.. and me singing In The Arms of Angel at his funeral in the backyard.

If your going to judge me.. don't!!! I was only 6.

And I would write about how my brother is always mean to me, and how someday I'll get my revenge on him. But that never happened, sadly. BUT ONE DAY WHEN I'M BRAVE ENOUGH I WILL!!!

I opened my journal and flipped pages, until I found a clean page. I took the pin and started writings.

Dear Diary....

Today nothing really happened, just Ms. Cooper yelling at me for not bringing my homework. I apologized to her, but she did not accept it. Which is fine.. I guess, right?

Anyways, I'm in the lunch room eating pizza, well I'm not eating it, it's just sitting there in it's tray.. do you think it's sad because I'm not eating it?

I put my pin down reaching for the pizza that was laying in the tray. Don't get me wrong but, there's something wrong with the pizza today. I went to take a bite out of it and it was still frozen.. and it smelled bad. I put my pizza back down and took my pin back in my hand and started writing again.


Ughhhh... forget about the pizza, it's horrible! It's still frozen and it smells like when someone hasn't worn socks with tennis shoes for months. Gross!

Samantha Connor.

P.S: the bell just rang and I don't wanna go to gym class.. please pray for me!


The next class I have is gym, which I hate... especially after lunch all of the time. I don't know why they had to put the gym classroom all the way over on the other side of the building, it takes me 15 seconds to get over there.. but it takes longer when people walk slower than a turtle.

I swear, Christmas comes faster, the more they walk slower.

I quickly got up after the belly rang and put the pizza into the trash, put my things into my bag closed it and put it on my backpack, then took the tray to the wash lady and quickly made my way to gym class.


This chapter sucked but I do hope you like it and I will make the next chapter better. I promise. ((:

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